eighteen I tired of worrying about school and trying to figure out what I want to do, so now I'm just worried about afterwards, when I find what I want and grow tired of that and can't figure out how to change because I'm old and more stuck.

I'd just rather not waste time on something I'll have to grow to hate.
Doar okay....eyes looking at the horizon..

wait for it.........

wait for it.........

Lemon_Soda LOL
You magnificent bastard.:}
margaux because i want to be
the kind of person
who has things
to look forward to
unhinged friday

blather_minicon in milwaukee
Kyocera Defined by Surfing_Through_Hyperspace

There has been a revolution in our thinking about extra dimensions. A new understanding of the feasibility of localizing four dimensional gauge theories in higher dimensional spacetimes has led to a variety of phenomenologically viable models, and even to the possibility of localizing gravity. Unlike older theories of extra dimensions, much of the focus now is on extra dimensions with sizes on the order of one thousandth of a proton width or larger! Thus, there is a potential for discovery at current and soon-to-be-completed colliders, and in some cases table-top experiments. In addition there are tremendous implications for cosmology.

Since Einstein forced physicists to think of time as a fourth dimension there have been speculations about a fifth and even higher dimensions. In order to avoid gross violations with experiment and even everyday experience it was thought that any extra dimensions would have to be compact (like a circle or a sphere) and that their effects, if any, on present day experiments would be unobservably small. There was the possibility that ordinary particles that we know are somehow restricted to a membrane with three spatial dimensions which is embedded in a higher dimensional spacetime. This possibility was not taken very seriously since it was not known how to realize this in a quantum field theory in a robust way. However recent developments in string theory show that such membranes are required for the consistency of string theory, and so they have acquired a new-found respectability and the nickname of branes. What is most exciting about this development is that when realistic models are built that incorporate such branes there are often experimental signatures that can be seen at current and upcoming experiments. These signatures range from observing a change in the strength of gravity at sub-millimeter distances in table-top experiments to the production of gravitons with momentum in an extra dimension at colliders. There are also important effects in cosmology which is about to undergo its own revolution due to an upcoming abundance of satellite data on the cosmic microwave background.

It is this potential for verification or elimination by experimental data that is fueling the drive to understand the new possibilities of extra dimensions.
twenty-four Funny, how quickly things change. Funny, too, how I am always caught off guard. 101207
unhinged it's cold
and i'm
lonely and worried and sad
twenty-four eighteen, you were me.

I'm sorry.
unhinged anyone wanna come and visit me in the land of radical conservative snow dumps? i need a new perspective 110226
what's it to you?
who go