paste! "fell in love with a girl"

just might, just might be the best song ever created by a two-piece band.
bijou could you be more right?

not possible.
bijou were mentioned in cosmopolitan and seventeen_magazine this month.

how would i know? i read both of them. a pop culture sugar rush overdose. it's one of those things i secretly love to hate and still indulge in anyways, like name brand tennis shoes and the occasional fast food hamburger.

paste! nay jimmy, do you want to explode now? 011218
DannyH Saw them at Bristol University last month. To steal a favourite phrase from Flo, they were so good they made my bum feel weird.

They didn't play "Boy's best friend" though.
paste! yeah! i just some them tonight at the rialto. i had a fun blast of a whale burst as a wasted audience person. jack claimed that meg is his big sister despite all the hoopla that they're a couple. they can really rock for a two-piece but i lost my glasses jumping around so much. no more bionic vision. 020529
paste! some saw nobody's counting 020529
eklektic me and kate were the only ones who actually knew who they were in our little circle before they came out with their video. boy A never showed any interest but boy B actually liked the song when i made him listen to it and i bought him the Cd and he liked it. 020529
birdmad made me want legos 020529
Kate Chris needs to give me back the cd. And to think that we owe it all to the Free Times, thank you for making them the album of the year. I wonder if they are really brother and sister or exhusband and wife. Maybe both. I made Tracee a lego creation of Meg on the drumset, which was made pixel by pixel from a paused shot of the downloaded video. I think everyone needs to have a special favourite band and a special favourite friend to share it with.

"Soft hair and a velvet tongue"
. . 040302
white_wave their best songs are amazing, outstanding, unbelievable. the rest are, well, uh, average....

Fell In Love with a Girl
You Have no Faith in Medicine
Broken Bricks.

I like their retro sound.
birdmad http://www.rathergood.com/punk_kittens 040302
from now on Be like the squirrel, girl
Be like the squirrel
Give it a whirl, girl
what's it to you?
who go