Novice I dunno, there's a blathe called non Christians only so I wanted one that was for Christians only. If you don't want to write up here, fine...I don't mind being a Christian standing alone 040327
Nukemall I'll be a pretend christian.

Halleluya brother/sister. Amen to that.
minnesota_chris I'm a Christian too, and a conservative Christian as well. And a flaming liberal too (I love pissing people off) 040329
megan i'll stand for Him
sameolme new evidence shows that fish oil contains fire retardants 040329
megan fire insurance hehe 040329
Novice Ok, Hi I dunno where to go from here. So I mean if anyone has any ideas 040329
ethereal I don't like the idea of Chritians being discriminatory. 040329
ethereal *Christians 040329
ambermoon im not a christian but this post is kind of sad so i thought id spice it up a bit...
i was walking though the woods the other day and ill tell you i saw the biggest tree ever. it was unlike any other tree ive ever seen. it had large blue leaves and tiny yellow flowers all over it, the trunk was made of dark rich chocolate. it smelled so good i thought i might have a bite. so as i walked up to the tree i heard a small voice the sound of small silver bells,though i could not hear the words the tune begain to fill my ears and my mind, untill i could hear nothing but the lovely song that played over and over in my head. i stoped in my track when i realized that the voice that i was hearing was coming from the tree its self. as i rounded the tree i could plainly see two almond shaped eyes, lovly eyes the color of the purest gold. the voice was pouring from a beautiful lush mouth. "come to me my dears, and all your wishes will be..." it sang a song unlike any ive ever heard before. as i sat before the tree the day became night and the air grew cold and the tree fell into a peaceful sleep, and so did i. when the sun finaly woke me the next day the tree was gone. who was this beautiful tree??
........misstree was that you?.........
Strideo Yes! a flamming liberal conservative Christian! er, okay, yeah it could work.
what's it to you?
who go