cipher don't forget to feed the little fishy. 011124
phil with just a small change in the real formula that creates an object. It makes a funny sound bloop and changes into something fascinatingly different. 020310
erin. a good "word," indeed.
it has many uses.
i use it as a hello . . . or a space-filler . . . or as a sign of my brain conking out . . . or just as a sound effect in general.
hmm . . . bloop.
misstree this word wants me to take a ball peen hammer to something. preferably a skull.

used to be a habit of my bf's ex-roommate, who inspired more hidden rage than anyone has for years. couldn't go 5 minutes without saying bloop.

*tries to smooth ruffled fur, appear calm and collected again.*
b/f ex-roomate bloops. 031031
thooshpaste last night we had guy burgalers come into our home... they re-arranged all our furnature!!! 050319
BnB Whenever I hear this word it reminds me of the sounds that emanate from old video games. 090308
werewolf you hear a song...something someone strummed just once while filming it on and put it on youtube. and you think...out of everyone alive now, who just heard that song. who heard it at all even once? then...what percentage is that of everyone who ever lived? then...what percentage is that of every sound wave that ever struck the ear of any sentience...or just vibrated into nothing even.

then you hear the bloop. look it up on's a mysterious sound from the bottom of the ocean. louder than a whale, than a jetplane flying faster than sound. and you think what about those sounds that haven't even been heard yet. that hide like ghosts of relatives you haven't even had yet. a giant whale thing, at the bottom of a day to our years. eating in the water, where it is beyond cold...and only the last week or so, relative to its years, that the water tastes funny. bellowing briefly, and then probably believing that there is truly nothing out there. in centuries, it will find its other and mate, and it will go on that way until it doesn't. and you think of that noise, as young men fight over spilled drinks at bars. bloop. it could swallow us all if it even saw us moving.
what's it to you?
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