so fucking lost the princess is at war with the dragons.
or the dragons are at war with the princess.

and you know when there are things that your head holds that you know arent true, but it keeps insisting. . .
and under the deluge, you hold to this knowledge.
its not true.
thats not true.

stop it.
just stop that.

stop telling me that.

sylphide in an attempt to fit into the bill of the introvert, i'm putting time into myself today. Nourishing and replenishing my thought-ridden side as opposed to supressing it.
I crave the silence of my mind and i fear the only way i can submit to it is by putting these thoughts to paper as opposed to cyber-text.
Today i gave my journal another two pages that no one will ever read, and that is the most comforting thought of mine today.
D the M from these ceasless pounding waves... 030523
Piso Mojado wind filling my ears on a beach empty except for lifeguard towers. every noise (cars, seagulls...) is muted and the ocean stretches on and on

this is what i have missed most
birdmad to sit across a table and trade glances, ignoring the clatter and rush of the surrounding world

to share a kiss and be aware of nothing other than racing heartbeats

to lie in the serenity of a shared darkness and hear nothing but sighing breaths and whispers
niska all i ever wanted
all i ever needed
is here
in my arms
Piso Mojado ymh- i wrote this after our first date in la. i picked you up in front of your dad's work. we ate at 'back on the beach.' we walked and shared the craziness in our families. do you remember? 041221
heart silence_like_glass 041222
Mister Brightside the silence i crave and the silence i get are two wholly separate and disparate things.

chalk it up to delusions_of_adequacy

i guess.
Somebody that I used to know You talk too much. 050119
blown cherry This decrepit mind and this loathsome, binding body can find no peace tonight.

's sense of looming madness
unhinged fucking noisy ass city

noise above me
noise below me
noise all around me

the neuroscientists say people with depression and anxiety are hardwired to be more sensitive to noise. evolutionary biologists say it is the cumulative effect of thousands if not millions of years of our fight or flight nervous system on the physical wiring of our brains combined with the malaise of modern life.

either way
what's it to you?
who go