Syrope susanna & the orderly in girl, interrupted. the best part is how she doesn't lay back on the floor, but how he cradles her mid-kiss.

and my kissing fantasies used to be so simple.
silentbob spin_the_bottle 030716
6am starts here outside waiting in the cold. kiss me once in the snow i swear it never gets old 030717
eyedream In.



loves it
Strideo "We'll have to go through some more kissing scenarios in the kissing simulator"
endless desire i kissed him in a classroom closet after school. the teacher locked all the closet doors the next day and told everyone exactly why. i always get red in the face. they used to call me merry cherry when i was younger.

smiles and smiles and smiles and blushes.
crimson I kissed him in the floor of a parking lot underneath a flourescent light. 030724
jane ah.......the elevator... 030724
nomatter the first time we kissed, he had been attmepting all night, but each time I back away. Leaning against my car nearly 4 in the morning, his hands were holding my fast he kissed my neck and my cheeks and my forehead, looked me in the eyes and I gave in. 040107
angelita 'twas a perfectly innocent pillow_fight with a very old friend.
I was not so perfectly innocently pinned down.
defence mechanisms fell, hurtling into to the ground.
who'd have thought that a kiss - not sex, for once - could be the end of me?
that kiss...10 years coming.

puzzles over it all
is lost
RoXXXie mickey and mallory's kiss in Natural Born Killers, after they had been incarcerated for so long. how time stood still for that kiss. 040107
Syrope i was thinking bout this blathe just the other day - still haven't gotten my scenario. it would ruin it if i just had to ask my boyfriend for it lol 040107
pete so many scenarios, so many memories, but the scenarios are more exciting 061222
(pete) (on second thought there are some pretty exciting memories too) 061222
pete needs to learn how to boil his thoughts in to more memories... definitely memories are better than scenarios, because scenarios will likely not happen where as memories have (and in being remembered do) happened. 061222
stork daddy what if you remember a scenario 061223
pete all the better. i was rather incoherent yesterday. 061223
what's it to you?
who go