With respect to mortality and growing old with someone, the capital t Truth is that regardless of whether you're "with someone" or not, your death is individual and separate and unique to theirs. You do not die together. You feel your death and they theirs and that is that. They cannot literally feel the same physical components of your specific individual death. You don't bond. It's not "better." It is actually neutral. You can die at the same time, maybe, and sometimes you do. And you can die in each other's arms, and some do. And it would be nice to have someone for as long as you are alive. But what happens, then, when you do? They clean up your gross, shitty body. They have to wipe up the fluids you void out. They have to call someone to remove you. And the stench is overbearing. Then they have to call all the people you both know. That's what the person you love has to deal with. And then they have to deal with missing you for forever. Or they'll die first. And they'll beg you not to make them die in a hospital, to die at home, in the bed you share. And that is a choice you have to make, as a person who has partnered off. That is a choice you will have to make. In the best scenario, those are your options. That's if you love each other. If you don't love each other, you have to do all of that for someone who you merely tolerated forever. No, dying alone is better. You live your life not beholden to someone you do not love. Someone to whom you are a burden. Someone unbearable. Someone just awful. Or kind of tolerable. Your mess is yours. The person who finds you is the landlord and what they do is call a cleaning service. Yes, don't settle for someone less than your absolute true love. Make yourself your true love. If you find someone really great don't let them get away. But for everyone's sake, if you can, try to die alone.
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King Saul fell on his sword when it all went wrong And Joseph's brother sold him down the river for a song And Sonny Liston rubbed some tiger balm into his glove Some things you do for money And some you do for love love love Raskolnikov felt sick and he couldn't say why When he saw his face reflected in his victim's twinkling eye Some things you'll do for money Some you'll do for fun But the things you do for love are gonna come back to you One by one Love, love is gonna lead you be the hand Into a white and soundless place Now we see things As in a mirror dimly Then we shall see each other Face to face And way out in Seattle, Young Kurt Cobain Snuck out to the greenhouse and put a bullet in his brain Snakes in the grass beneath our feet Rain in the clouds above Some moments last forever But some flair out with Love love love
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epitome of incomprehensibility
Yes and no, in my view. Which is probably what you were trying to say, anyway. Living people tend to be more inconvenient than dead ones, but I don't have enough experience with either.
what's it to you?