god i'm making a blather album. i got a band and a small studio at my disposal.
we will make an album with the sounds sent by blatherers.

mmmmm... beer...
Mahayana: Zakah: Sangha Jewels of Refuge »»»phunking gruuvin«««

¤where do we send our sound bites 2?
¤what format do u preferr we send it in?
¤what format will be the output be in?
¤any ideas what the title will be
¤how many sounds bites would U like
¤any length U have in mind. 2sec/2mins/?
¤any chance we can get a copy of the end product?

×××u r so awesome god i so *now* believe in U×××x
god send_me_a_noise 011224
Teenage Jesus yeah dad, what do you want, DAT/MD/cassette/CD/MP3/WAV, hmmm?

I've got some good stuff for you.
silentbob i want a copy 011225
god if you send me a cd, i'll send you two.

see send_me_a_noise for my address.
i am hungry for noises. music. anything. so long as its weird
SuicidalAngel Can we have cool parts of songs? Or are you worried about copyright? 011225
god i really only want home-made noises made by blatherers themselves. i want to hear you talk or sing. 011225
SuicidalAngel My only concern is I'll feel like a dork. I dont know what to say! By the way my friend Melly is coming over tomorrow around 8, so I'll ask her about making the female sex noises for you. 011225
unhinged when we were talking the other day, you said you wanted me to send you me saying something and i forget what it remember?

no...i'm not sending you sex noises. you can just record them the next time if your so omnipotent.
god thanks to yummyc and suicidal angel for their excellent contributions!

nic- if you don't want to do the sex noises, just read me we're_beatrice. that'll suffice. that and some blues on the violin. or whatever you wanna do...
ClairE So how's it going along? 011230
god first track is complete.

need more sounds...
Death of a Rose god, you still doing this blather_album thing. 031015
ClairE Death_of_a_Rose, it is funny that you should ask that because I talked to god last night for the first time in a very long time and I contributed a sound to his album (finally, almost two years later, I believe).

He said something's in the works.
Death of a Rose if you can, let me know how things progress, ClairE. 031016
? Did this album ever materialize?

(Such an awesome concept to make a Blather album. Blatherskites are such creative forces - I love it!)
what's it to you?
who go