sabbie christ i wish that wasn't true

fucking true

poor girl
i'd love to have a coffee with her
but we hardly need more caffine.

but we should probably have cake
otterpup but it can make you sick and crazy. coffee helps keep us awake but sleep makes our minds leak the things we don't want to hear. and yet no sleep is also a death... 040203
sabbie if sleep is little death
then techically
we should be experienceing life to the fullest

jenny enny dots *suicidal person injests no-doze believing they were sleeping pills* 040204
kookaburra but jesus, it feels like i am... 040509
sigmund trying to kill yourself with caffeine don't try it you will feel like your head will explode and your veins will feel like they will burst right out of your skin...the ticking of the clock will drive you may or may not puke...if you can't find anything to bring you down, sorry, but if you live, you will be in a brief hell you will wish you weren't ignorant enough to try 040509
f you need sleep just as you need water
you will die, you will die.
o9hh BAYBAY what i need the_biz_never_sleeps 041122
pocket scimitar salesman studies have shown a link between person's that are likely to have a dormant predisposition to schizophrenia/bi-polar disorder who are chronic insomnia suffers are more likely to set off the genetic ticking time bomb inside them. Or create a neuro-chemical and psychological environment that hastens the onset of mental illness. 041123
ah...oldephebe Because basically you pretty much demimate the wall between the unconscious and the conscious and the nightmares bleed into the brightness of and visual and even sometimes tactile and olfactory...especially if you're a synesthete who happens to have god what an unending horror it MUST be to become host and manufacturer and victim to an indefagitable phantasmagoric promenade with ALL your senses being assaulted. Scary thought to say the least.
RIC decimate the wall between the unconscious and unconscious mind... 041123
Bespeckled Every notice how when you stay up all night, you feel increasingly worse about yourself?

I'd probably kill myself at the end of a week with sleep, i'd hate myself so much.
former ersatz public enemy paraphrenalia salesman the biz is STILL rockin' the mike 041208
former ersatz public enemy paraphrenalia salesman the biz is STILL rockin' the mike 041208
what's it to you?
who go