(for your nightmare) "Um, yeah, my name is Stan, and I've loved Emily for two years."

"Hello, my name is Georgette and I've loved Emily for three years."

"Hi, my name is Eric, I'm new to the group, I've loved Emily for eight months and I'm ready to start healing."

NinNy Nu Nu no nerd or lesbo but I love everyone,
especially the ones that hert most.
sweetheart of the song tra bong I love you, my cigarette-smoke-eyed nightmare. 010513
Gone. "Hi everyone, glad you could come today. I'm Aaron, your group leader, and we'll begin today with..." 010513
Gone. Dammit, I just realized that made no sense. Group leaders are usually cured, aren't they?
Just don't listen to anything else I say.
NinNy Nu Nu I met a boy on my travels,
he carried a dictionary with him,
the strangest of characters,
he pealed his skin and ate it,
he crept into my tent and...
took all his clothes off then...
did a little weird dance then....
we told him too ummmm.....
I can't say butt
we left at the crack of dawn,
for the Zambian boarder,
That was a fast get away,
but we still managed to bump into him on our way home 4 weeks later,
howz that for a bit of bad luck,
still a funny story that creaps up on me from time to time,
what a total swanker!
urrr.... gross.
he,he,ho,ho, Santa will love that one.
(for your nightmare) (crashes through window)
"HEY! What's going on here?!"

"Oh no! It's David!"

sweetheart of the song tra bong Everyone is terrified of stoic Russian bear.

Man, there need to be more people in this group. I know they're out there. Come on people, admit to your problem. It's the first of twelve steps.
Glory Box I've loved Emily, in one form or another, for most of my life. I couldn't explain the void until she showed up and filled it.

I still clutch my open ache to my breast. You'll have to force my fingers away.
Cracked Polystryrene Man If music be the food of Love, play on!

If loving you is a wound, push the knife deeper (into my soul, where all knives belong).
Mikey I love em platonically. Which defies the laws of physics.
Damn universe, why'd you have to combust?
sQuEeDeN I've been loving emily for years. I can't stop. It's an addiction 020102
sweetheart of the song tra bong evil laugh

more and more

This group just never stops.
money "I nominate Emily for group leader" 021122
sweetheart of the song tra bong Fact!

It works perfectly. I am both a nerd and a semi-lesbian, anyway. And I'm freakin' self-absorbed.
Father Sergius This group will only get bigger, methinks... 030512
Father Sergius and shouldn't it? 030513
;D I've never even met Emily and yet I love her with every fibre of my being. 040122
what's it to you?
who go