perfectly_chaotic You have known me your entire life.

I’ll be the one walking past you down the street
The one trying to return the gaze you never gave
You will recognize me by my feet,
Covered by shoes walking next to a road that’s paved.

You have known me your entire life.

I am that guy who strolls by to the beat
The one purged by your mind’s internal autoclave
You will see me emit body heat
From my foundation, steam rises from my core’s slaves

You have known me your entire life.

I am the man marching by amidst the street’s fleets
The one with whom you won’t expatiate what you crave
You will notice my uniform of two feet
Gliding through the air becoming staved.

You have known me your entire life.

Yet we have never spoken, nor will our eyes ever meet
Not because I don’t look a certain way, or know how to behave
Definitely not due to concern of slipping on the sleet
Honestly, it is only this obligation, and even on the best of days, we are working to pay for our grave.

You have known me your entire life.
I am the human you will never truly meet.
unhinged smile_at_strangers

i don't want anything from you
but respect
for our shared condition
of humanity

i'll leave the light on
torontocitybusrider dear girl,
i should have taken a better look at your legs.
perfectly_chaotic Take 2:

To The Anonymous Passerby

You have known me your entire life.

I’ll be walking past you down the street
The one returning the gaze you never gave
You will recognize me by my feet
Covered by shoes, walking a road that’s paved.

You have known me your entire life.

Look up, I may be smiling, bouncing by to the beat
The one purged by your mind’s internal autoclave
You will see me emit body heat
Foundational steam rising from a core’s slaves

You have known me your entire life.

Marching side by side within street fleets
We’re ones never conceding what we crave
We’ll notice little more uniform than two feet
Also one calf and thigh, our shared side, and air staved.

You have known me your entire life.

Yet we have never spoken, our will never eyes ever meet
Not because we’re the ones that look a certain way, or cannot behave
Nor are we just too concerned with simply slipping on sleet.
Honestly, its only obligation, even on the best of days, we’re working, saving for our grave.

You have known me your entire life.
I am the human you will never truly meet.
no reason some dude scoffed "are you deaf?" as he walked by me today. i was wearing headphones, so for all intents and purposes i was. he was in his forties, i think, wearing super tight blue animal print pants.
weird start to the morning.
no reason it's kind of hard to take rudeness seriously when it's in that costume 110113
lostgirl i probably would have immediately flipped him the double middle finger for the unacceptable rudeness...but not before asking him if he owned a mirror. 110113
no reason ha. i would've retorted something, but he walked away so fast before i could even figure out what he said, let alone point to my headphones and make fun of his pants. 110113
no reason or said yes. what if i had been deaf? 110113
Anonymous Sorry I was just passing by... 110113
what's it to you?
who go