Rhinna me. 011031
paste! The comet is confused by all of this, takes a nap, nectarines fall from the sky, you forget your name and that's the best. 011101
Dafremen Indeed as the meatballs bounce from drum to drum they do seem to ring with the screeching of a quagga in heat as if the sun had dipped his velvety green glove into the pool of life, contemplated leaving it in too long...but the zebrahide seatcovers found him a job and they all lived bumpy ever after. 011101
paste! it's easy to recover from any sort of uncoerced parching. have an Ingrid Bergman Otter soak the wind in a sugar tamberine. breathe in wind. presto! okay to direct all forms of traffic now. 011101
Dafremen You can try to impress the maestro with your pickle tricks my son, but don't think that mayonnaise is going to win any sardines over. Where did that taxi get off to? (Taps foot impatiently) After spasms of insight filled his bowler and bowled him over to the tune of Sniffled Pipplet's Oompa Band, the tortoise rubbed his belly and smiled, having downed an entire tankard of peas in one snorting. Why did we stucco that place? Perhaps we'll never know, perhaps it is only for us to know that marshmallow whipped topping makes lousy siding and content ourselves with the blues. Tallyho Benny, pull the cards out and show me that trick again where you decapitate me with the Ace of Spades, I've earned it and besides, you owe me an oyster cracker in the passing, like the tripsy shot off a bakery window. 011101
paste! like during the termite era, the vacuums that you so solemnly polished are now in that pile over there. we can't stand you to be very engine-like! on the streets, in the buildings, there is nothing left but shame! where have our inverted billiard ethics gone, the prices, the incessant droning of the waffle iron? where have they taken Schluffy? 011101
Teenage Jesus "We need a drummer with baseball bats!" said the hunchback, as his dad put the finishing touches on Corvette #11.

Stegasaurus Davida Honey
Don't cha know that I'll ALWAYS love you

"...and now I'm gonna take this shit out of my hair; and I'm gonna do it right now; in front of everybody."

We're not goin' out there man- you live WAY the fuck out...
birdmad (hollow as a dried-up roach) aww sould went and puked in my shoes again


if it thinks i'm gonna let it back in after that, then it's sadly mistaken
Dafremen Smiling in a crumply bag is more than a farthing buys these days, but oh how the elderberries scream to be played! When did that scarlet whimsy escape the plot? Who parched that salmon's cigarette case? These and other campground litter embarked upon their sun-riddled quest while Tootoo Tarree whittled a bologna pizza down to it's toothless marrow. 030403
Dafremen No paste! It will not end thusly. Your piece de resistance of dueling nonsense craftsmanship is waiting it's moment. Don't disappoint old friend! Make that moment happen.

(Where else were the jigga de buggers that these brain splashed workings of my support group fathered in their ruffage?)
what's it to you?
who go