ever dumbening i was recently reminded of the definition of misanthrope, and i said yeah, me too. 011221
Mahayana: Zakah: Sangha Jewels of Refuge go whores||liars||beggars||workers||politicians||sleaze||opiates||drugs||pain||anger||sheermadness||love||happiness||fantasy||reality||past||present||brutal truth
||brutality||serenity||chaos||tranquility||me||you||them||we||thou||thee||thy||beginning||end||creation||destruction||emptiness||brimmingfullness||despair||torture||anguish||arrogance||annoyance||contentment||satisfaction||loss||gain||life||death||consumers||producers||hunters||carnivores||herbivores||omnivores||cannibals||vegetarians||heat||cold||fire||water||wind||lightning||snow||ash||cigarettes||cloves||visions||telekinetics||grey, black, tan, andwhite||neutrality||sides

right hand...
[down arrow, right arrow 3, backspace||backspace||backspace]
the meditation

right hand...
[down arrow, left arrow 2, |,|,]

right hand...
[arrow down, left arrow [X] amount of times, backspace||backspace]

[we didnt start the blather, it was always turning since the words been burning]

[look ... what does it all mean & see even more]

¿[if i show you what it all means, are you sure you'll want to see more]?

[thank you for allowing me to meditate, create, and sing upon your blather]
Mahayana: Zakah: Sangha Jewels of Refuge whores of liars
beggars of workers
politicians of sleaze
opiates of drugs of pain

anger of sheer madness
love of happiness
fantasy of reality
past of present

brutal truth of brutality
serenity of chaos of tranquility

me of you
them of we
thou of thee of thy

beginning of end
creation of destruction
emptiness of brimming fullness
despair of torture of anguish

arrogance of annoyance
contentment of satisfaction
loss of gain
life of death

consumers of producers
hunters of carnivores of herbivores
omnivores of cannibals of vegetarians

heat of cold
fire of water
wind of lightning
snow of ash

cigarettes of cloves
visions of telekinetics
grey, black, tan, and white

neutrality of sides
shapes of disfigurement
grotesqueness of beauty
shits of stars
nothing of something of everything

rape of consensus
sex of rock and roll

needles of AIDS
anemia of ebola
bliss of ignorance
media of prescriptions
medicine of pills
illegal of legal
questions of silence

blindness of sight
spies of A-51
loyalty of bribery
honesty of dishonesty
contradiction of promises
government of humanity
eco-systems of cycles of universe
Mahayana: Zakah: Sangha Jewels of Refuge whores of l[i]ars
beggars of workers
politic[i]a[n]s of sleaze
opiates of drugs of [pain]

anger of [she]er madness
[love] of happine[s]s
f[an]tasy of reality
p[a][s]t of pre[s]ent
[she, loves, an, ass]

brutal tr[u]th of b[r]utality
seren[it]y of chaos of tranquility

[me] of you
them [of] we
thou of [thee] of thy

beg[i]nn[in]g of end
creation of [destruction]
[empti]ness of [brim]ming [full]ne[s]s
despair [of] torture of [anguish]

[she, loves, an, ass]

¿[do you see a vicious cycle]?
what's it to you?
who go