oren You're alone, standing in the corner in someones bedroom. There are children's clothes on the floor and the bed is unmade. There's no sound, as usual.

Not wanting the silence to continue, you step away from the wall. Your movement lets the sound begin and you hear children's voices coming through a partially opened window.

You go and look through the screen. It's a second story window overlooking a group of kids holding books and metal lunch boxes.

You see a Ford Fairlane 500 parked across the neighborhood street. There's a another car from the mid-1960s farther down the street.

A dairy truck with "Ehrler's" on the side drives by. The back door is rolled up and you can see stacks of metal crates inside, filled with glass bottles of milk. You can hear them clinking.

One of the boys in the group of eight kids is taller and heavier than the rest and he's picking on a small girl, poking his finger at her chest and laughing. The girl is backing away telling him to stop.

A school bus arrives in front of the house and everyone heads for it except for one of them, a boy about six or seven years old. He's hanging back, glaring at the bully who is still taunting the girl while walking to the bus.

Suddenly, the boy takes off at a full sprint, running straight for the bully who is twice his size. He jumps onto the bully's back, screaming at him.

The little girl yells, "Jonny! No!"

The bully shrugs the smaller boy off, who takes off running away from the bus. You see the bigger kid catch up to him on a grass median in the road. The little boy is screaming.

You look back toward the bus and see the girl pleading to the bus driver for help.

The bully has now pushed the boy down and is rolling him onto his back. He starts stomping, trying to hit him in the face.

The female bus driver runs over and pulls the bully off and several other mothers from houses nearby converge on the scene.

The little boy is still screaming while the women begin to take control of the situation.

One woman picks up the crying boy and starts carrying him down the street away from the bus stop; his sobbing gradually grows faint.

More mothers arrive, one of them scolding the bully as she leads him away.

The little girl is talking to one woman, who wipes the girl's tears then leads her back to the bus.

The bedroom begins to glow with a bright orange light. You look behind to see the portal awaiting you.

You step through.
oren Portal destination: or_0004 (Cox's Lake, Middletown, Ky. 1969) 060507
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