bespeckled we're not,
but we are.

"I get attached,"

I told you, "i get attached,"

You've had emotional fuck buddies. Did you fuck them over like I think you're going to fuck me over??

"I get attached"

But you don't care. You'll let me get attached, and then find another. You'll find someone else; you'll be led away by high heeled shoes. And you won't even care that i was once attached.

A heart that falls is a curse.
silentbob me and god 020824
blown cherry I tried that once, more than once.
There've been times it was was harmless, helthy even. But then times where it was not so.
Silly way to lose one's virginity really.
~gez~ i wish. she knows 020825
god you wish, bob 030528
Syrope hehe i remember he got so offended when i referred to him as my fuck_buddy to my friends.

well, it was true.
closet ballerina chew toy.

i think the important thing is to keep your distance.
misstree keep it distant, keep it selfish (in the good way), keep it fun. and push eachother's limits whenever you can. 030831
silentbob the three of us were sitting in the lounge of the dorm and i asked her if she was still dating him. If he was still her BF. she said no.
And he laughed and said that must mean they were just FB's. and i laughed uncomfortably and she asked "Whats that?"
and i said "Fuck Buddies!"
and he said, "What?..No, i meant Friend Boy."
nomatter Long Time No See.
I need a new one. This one's getting old. Him and that damn girlfriend. Somehow, I don't see how, she has rights over me. He just wants to keep me on the side, in place of dessert.
thunderbuck ram are the bestest friends of all - especially the girly tranny boys 040820
unhinged NEVER work

orgasms flavored with resentment are barely worth it. and im pretty sure human beings are hardwired to translate those warm fuzzies into feelings and emotions as much as we try to deny it.
unhinged turns out

women are hardwired to turn orgasms into feelings. men...not so much. goddamn neuroscience strikes again
nr situationship 200829
what's it to you?
who go