nr i don't know if i should be flattered or insulted that people often seem to want these with me

today i'm going with insulted
nr "a magical world couldn't exist without you" and "i ended a conversation with a friend who i could call you" etc. etc., but then also referring to me in the context of me being with someone else and it being seemingly totally ok

people need to be more aware of how their words and actions affect people

nr "who i could call you" should say "so i could call you"

unhinged the vague bullshit always ends up driving me nuts

i have ruminated for years about what i want in relationship with others and even my idea of friendship is desperately out of step with what is acceptable in the social media age. i have never been able to get used to being ignored. and i don't want to be compartmentalized into some casual sex box cause that is designed to negate my feelings. you know...feelings. those things people try so hard not to catch from each_other these days.

ive been told my whole life i have too many of those

so i feel the impulse to

is most comfortable as the celibate hermit
what's it to you?
who go