mahayana the frog probably represented
the human fetus, which it roughly resembles, frogs were sacred to the Egyptian midwife of the gods

because little frogs, appearing with the first signs of the annual fertility in Egypt, people placed frog amulets on mummies, to help them find rebirth

[were you lost upon your rebirthing journeys from a time long-a-go]

mother hekits "amulet of the frog" bore the words, "I am the Resurrection"

[were you perhaps not ready to come into your next life’s journey][if so what would make you embark upon this journey all too soon, what would you be most passionate about that would convince you to be rebirthed into this very life you live, despite unreadiness, what passion could so stir you beyond all rationality]

the frog prince of medieval fairy tales pointed to some remembrance of the frog's benevolent regenerative powers, although [or perhaps because] frogs were often cited as the familiars of witches

[were you perhaps a witch from times long-a-go chastised for your connections to the earth & nature, punished for such practices of connectivity]

it was said that a beryl engraved with the image of a frog would make friends out of former enemies

[sometimes soul mates in this life’s time were enemies in past lives ... perhaps we were soul mates in another past life and you wish not make any mistake in liking the likeness of frogs so as not to imply in the least bit that we were former enemies][secret hidden assurances that we have been loves before?]

magic books claimed that a frogs tongue placed under a mans pillow would force him to speak all his secrets in his sleep

[what secrets are you carrying deep within that you wish not to fall upon all lights of discovery][what secrets do you yet behold]

because of their association with water, frogs often figured prominently in [rain] charms

[{ much 2 consider [in ones own fears] }]
mahayana naked bare unclothed uncovered unprotected exposed undressed
naked in front of you i prevail
directing aside to the left to the right out-of-the-way
each and every solitary trepidation

not worthy enoughness
discontentment in appearance

unadorned simple undisguised before you i remain standing
undressed of every distinct part of reservations
i grant you myself exposed
i propose to you the entirety that i am to delve into as you so desire

receive me entirely
for i have before now been completely taken by the all of you
what's it to you?
who go