fierce_otterpup romance isn't dead
i couldn't live without it
we keep watching and waiting
and above all believing and hoping

and eventually it comes
or we create it

only when we stop believing and hoping does it fail to exist

and people see the potential in others all the time, there are some people who still spend their whole lives consciously dedicated to watching, looking, searching for it. when an individual does stop, that doesn't mean everyone has.

you made me read the princess bride, why don't you go reread it?
romance won't die
stork dady no...romance is a matter of fact we were just about to hang out. good old friend that romance. 040209
stork daddy ahem 040209
girl_jane yes 040209
pipers i hope to god no, i suffer a severe dearth of it and am quite the hopelessly sentimental type so pleaseplease nooooo 040210
jane is_nothing_sacred 040210
blah-ze i hope i remain a sentimentalist, i just have to find someone who won't laugh when i exercise it on them. or regard me as a freak. 040211
blah-ze freak isn't the right word. i just don't come across right to other people to spout all that sort of romantic crap. 040211
megan romance is thriving with vitality
thank God
pipey romantic stuff from an unlikely candidate is either really sweet 'cause its like heneversaysstufflikethissothismustbespecial, or can sound very fake (for the same reason, only not special). but im sure you fall into the former category, swanki bud :) 040212
blah-ze usually it never gets said, just thought about over and over, but when it comes out it's kinda fake, yeah.

but we all have our little moments.
unhinged i'm not even looking for romance. i mean for god's sake, is COMPASSION dead? 040214
:_) yes it's dead. when you're like an old UNmarried couple and you'll still young. but when you can accept it's death, that's love. and it feels a bit like friendship. 040215
The Unexplained it's like a horror movie villain, just when you think it's dead and you are safe again...


the fucking sequel

it never really dies, but whether that's good or bad depends on your experience and perspective
otterpup i wish it was dead right now
then i wouldn't be so tangled

then i would just keep going
what's it to you?
who go