Alexander Beetle Used to denote the addition of one or more interchangeable items slash terms to a list slash selection.

Example: see above
kerry clever clever 011206
Angelwings Hack/slash.

'Scuse me. I need a slash.
Gilraen (s.h.o.t.h) Slash is what fanfiction is called when two characters of the same gender love eachother and/or have a sexual relationship in the story. 030301
x saw him playing last saturday, mhmm. 030301
Mandijabster slash..well my friend would know a lot about that. She reads it..Harry Potter and his Professor making sweet passionate love and then the professor being a drunk who beats him's just, wrong on so many levels.

Some people are disgusted by the fact that people write slash, what about the people that wrote it?

Yea actually, I'm just weird, I have no problem with it..hey w/e floats your boat.
harumi i'm a self-confessed slash (the male-to-male kind, 'coz i can't stand femslash) fanatic...

that aforementioned scenario is a very common scenario, in my point of view, coz i've read more "disturbing" scenarios (BDSM, anyone?)

anyways, people have different view and insights on things. it's obvious that a lot of people will be disturbed with slash, us being in a world that looks down on homos. i'm not a homo in any way, it's just that slash is kinda addictive once you started, but then, that's just me. i bet that after i post this, and then people read this, my inbox will be filled with flames.... but for me, it's just another everyday, common thing, because it happens everywhere, everyday. it just so happen that people don't know it, they ignore it or just refuse to accept the fact that it exists....

by the way, that professor isn't snape by any chance, is he?
falling_alone i do believe that he is ...

altho i dont recall ever reading a story with him getting drunk and beating up poor harry...*raises an eyebrow at mandijabster*
Mandijabster blashphemy! you have so...or so i thought. i wouldnt know, i dont read harry potter fic of any kind, slash or not. perhaps i was mistaken. but you did tell me something along those lines quite sure of it. and i find nothing wrong with slash..only the ones becky reads about 8yr olds and 40yr old men...yea (and yes...hes not 8 but oh well, its to add emphasis to my point) 031106
just me does slashing hurt? 040720
glamour_vial it'd hurt if you were new to it, one would think.. unless you're just genetically loose. never know, really. 050925
what's it to you?
who go