birdmad Santorum -

1. Proper N. - Virulently, obsessively homophobic barking moonbat of a United States Senator from Pennsylvania (Believes that the ruling of the US Supreme Court regarding consensual sodomy potentially opens the door to, and i quote the Senator in an interview with the Associated Press, "man on child, man on dog"

santorum - n, coined by readers of sex-advice columnist Dan Savage in response to the Senator's remarks, the frothy mixture of fecal matter and lubricant that sometimes results from anal_sex
sweetheart of the song tra bong They are now on a crusade to make the first Google hit for "santorum" a Dan Savage type site.

There are also Santorum t-shirts at

Reports of them worn by workers in Congress. Rock on.
bird use these links to help drive it up the list
The Spork Apparently, (and pardon me for interjecting, But it seems like we do have a little bit of Common Ground, Politically, at least) The Frothy One either didn't know or Chose to Ignore the fact that Texas, which is where the gay Sodomy case originated, places no seciic Legal Stricture against either Adultery or Bestiality.

Texas State Law provided no prohibition against consensual Heterosexual sodomy, only consensual Gay sodomy

So, even though gay sex wasn't legal in Texas, "Man-on-dog" already was - Fact which rather negates Santorum's hysterical, Irrational assertion.

His claim that there is no Right to Privacy means that for all Intents and Purpose, the stupid, Creepy Little Bastard has never read the Fourth, Fifth or Sixth Amendments, which I would say DO constitute a right to Privacy

To say otherwise is to suggest that we Should, in fact, become an overt Police State

Ignorant Prick.
bird the right to privacy is implied by the 4th and 5th amendment

IV) No unreasonable search and seizure of persnn or property without warrant or probable cause

V) No person shall be compelled to incriminate themselves

the 6th is the one johnny "screaming jesus" ashcroft seems to find troublesome: Due process of the courts (to trial by a jury of oee's peers, to be informed of the charges levied against you, to a comparatively speedy trial as opposed to a long detention without trial... in other words, the opposite of all of the sort of things that seem part and parcel of the USA PATRIOT Act abd the governing modus_operandi of the people who run the deoartment_of_homeland_clusterfuckery
anon I live in PA and am ashamed that he is my senator. However, I might vote for him during a reelection because I am so thrilled that Dan Savage and his readers are managing to torture him this way - if he doesn't get reelected, he will drop out of sight and then we all won't get to make fun of him anymore! 031207
The Spork Personally, I think most of us who make fun of him would rather he went away and Faded into (Well-Deserved) Obscurity.

If he gets Re-Elected, then he still gets to have a hand in Public Policy and that's where he's really Troublesome.
Glory Box (2) Thinking, for Canadians, of Klein = anal fisting.

Y'know, IN-Klein, DE-Klein, RE-Klein.

Has its possibilities.
what's it to you?
who go