For people who love dreams, and don't get enough of them, there is a way to greatly boost dreams in vividness and quantity. Transdermal nicotine patches are very effective in increasing dream activity. They will not promote nicotine addiction, as that addiction depends on the craving/satisfaction cycle that cigs create with bursts of intense nicotine. I discovered this when I quit smoking and now use patches primarily for their dream value. A life with few dreams is only half alive.
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valerin, melotonin, catnip, and something to cover up the bad taste. put them all in a coffee filter, tie the top, make a tea. take a vitamin b6 vivid dreams.
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I've been trying to stop smoking and have been occasionally wearing them. Had a dream so vivid, I still am not sure if it was a dream or something else. I was speaking to my father, who has been deceased for ten years. We were fishing on Lake Michigan. Something he did often, and I avoided just as much. In this dream, I was eager to fish with him, baited my own hook, and we just sat there. Even though in the dream, I knew he was dead, he was still there next to me, and I was asking him a lot of questions. The conversation we has was too eerie. In the dream, I was asking him if he was in a better place, and he replied "I am in the place that my actions in life predetermined me to be". Immediately, I though "he's in hell". I can't really transcribe the rest of the conversation. I know it verbatim, but can't share it here. I think I'll lay off on the patches though.
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my dreamboat takes its rest during the days in a patch o dreams she comes to visit from time to time but much prefers her pumpkin spiced patch to the rowdy noises of daylight come little dreamboat..lift up your anchor and bear me away.. into the deepest night..where only the brightest stars and the bravest snippets of cloud hover in the clear cold sky.. and my vision unclears to reveal a reality that is far more than what I see today. my little tea boat..pumpkin laden spice boat..canvas sailed love boat.. linen clothed tug boat my paddle boat lift away from your nest..and greet me in the darkening dusky eve.. for I cannot swim, nor can I navigate these waters without your compass. the eye the wisdom..and the knowledge..that you posess intrinsically. .. soft little waves lap onto the shore of my desert island..my dessert island.. no.. too much whipped cream. and I wait.. wait for the boat to come.. for the tide to break
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