() ( it works. ) 041119
(z) (the symbol machine cranks it's dusty gears and turns over, driving the shaft of syntax which turns the wheels of usage over the road of parlance squashing the hedgehog of nuance.) 041129
uh huh 041129
fix 041129
() (i dial in the metaphore and hit start. the machine that is communication assembles the truth and it is always a surprise to me. i love this machine. it sometimes operates me.) 041130
misstree i do more than just operate. i caress, squeeze, tantalize, and bring forth these little giggles and sighs, half-lidded eyes and sultry smiles. or i throw it around like an angry race car, tight and roaring and purring and all sleek lines and burnt rubber. or i romp with it in a field littered with wildflowers, roll down hills breathless and grinning, whoop just to hear the joyful noises, blow dandelion bits to a million winds and frolic with the fauna.

that is, when language returns my calls. lately it's been distant nods in bars, the occasional uncomfortable small talk. it thinks i cheated on it or something, and it's just left me confused.
sameolme I understand several simple sentences. 041202
minnesota_chris Sorry, that sentence can't be completed as dialed. Please check your dictionary and try again, or wait on the line and someone will help you.

the operator
(z) (i see the persistence of vision, the moire patterns of truths overlaid. i hear lasting metaphor, rolling in trampled hay, i wear the saturnine shackles of my dependence ordered by rain and the machines of translation. i find rumour of it's assembly, it's function imprinted on the product of my words, as loud as the word themselves, blatant. and stops.) 041202
(?) (i open the package returned to the child is gentleness in when does lift a moment all soft and living on light in a wind bourne from schoolyard endless and some windows are open and air wends pausing in clean spaces within and stops) 050128
12xk ... 050128
智慧21 _'war'_on_democracy_... 050128
z i fix the broken syntax of perception
i loose the chaos of the random on perplexity
and run the program of the conditional
i operate silence
and stops
z done broken way of lost hollow noise filled tumble and sold in thin westerly wind of rattle rupture and sweeps all memory away cold and stops 050323
z load the cog gear assembly into the matrix bending pole and run the current of didactic eclecticism through the rain soaked dust of reason to croak the truth of mnemonic cyclone surfing until and stops 050329
" C h i n a t h e B e a u t i f u l " 050329
中国 Classical Chinese Art, Calligraphy, Poetry, History, Literature, Painting and Philosophy

unhinged . 160203
() () 160204
f you are a poo poo man 160204
what's it to you?
who go