emmi ah. 040728
Cynics anonymous *APPLAUSE* 040728
love & hate and it is killing me 040729
flip but i just can't seem to figure out how to keep everything simple, why must everything complicate to the millionth degree? i just want to be happy with the girl of my dreams! she can't see what i can see, a beautiful wonderful person who is perfect in my eyes. nothing could make me happier. 040909
her royal highness the quirk i can smell you on my skin. you've permeated my very being. i win. 040909
sigh god

(the expletive, not the deity)
Quit looking at me like that, I have to remind myself every five seconds that I'm not actually in love with you or anything

and that you don't...

I know I'm in trouble when I start having gigantic dancing-to-almost-crying mood swings when I'm around you
unhinged with the totally wrong person
i know what you'll all say
you can find someone better
get away
but i want to stay right where i am
my heart
inside him
and all these words
tumbling in my brain
i know i shouldn't say
i couldn't sleep last night
because i wasn't near him
and when it finally came
sleep was fitfull
because i don't want to be asleep
if it isn't near him
and i try to steel myself against
inevitable disappointment
but i don't care
as long as my heart keeps beating like this
i know what you'll all say
you should learn to love yourself first
but it's only the pieces of me
in him
that i'm so in love with
but i don't care
as long as my heart keeps beating like this
girl_jane So much so, that I spend more time with him than I do writing about how much I love him.

I love him, but every now and then I have to return to the pen or the keyboard.
Syrope you make me feel 040928
god that i'd rather share you with that speedbump than tell you goodbye. 040928
Syrope that's harsh. a speedbump. 040928
what's it to you?
who go