epitome of incomprehensibility Complain_here: no_use_for_a_name, it's_a_secret. 140326
e_o_i again No_words_to_describe eivind_berge? _______________________aaaahh_______ 140326
e_o_i everlasting_romance metabolised, it's_no_surprise 140416
e_o_i alfred_toh_aka_kx21 - flowing, punching 140416
e_o_i i_shelter_you under_my_bed the_heart_sutra 140602
e_o_i alone_at_night ahahaha we're_never_going_to_be_alright

(It sounds like a song. A creepy song.)
e_o_i Tell_the_truth, Walter! Psssttt_mystery... 140616
e_o_i Person, I_forgive_you. Whatsyourfavouritecolour? 140701
e_o_i Silently_disintergrating_into_something_else syndrome: how_to_keep_an_idiot_busy_for_hours_ 140704
e_o_i People_always_have_an_answer! Look_at_all_the_lonely_people, the_book_of_one_pages. 140704
e_o_I When_I_look_into_your_eyes_I_see his_angel lawns.

(Most_romantic_thing_ever_said_to_you, if "you" is an abstract you.)
for example "Hey baby! Did you fall from heaven, or did a bunch of fallen angels hit the snow in your lawn? Because you have ice in your hair and I have a fetish for winter metaphors." 140709
wafers are VERY aware wafers aware_of chimarroon 140710
e_o_i When_a_word_association_is_severed, computers, remember_your_tracks. 140712
e_o_i Academic_probation - tangly Xena. 140728
e_o_i Mountains Millencollin poet

(I saw that the middle word was a band from Sweden, so my guess that it means "thousand mountains" might be wrong - I'm thinking of French or Italian words.)
e_o_i Defend to_the_fullest I_am_that_I_am! 140916
e_o_i again Would_be_fantastic, sexy face! 140916
e_o_i Star_crossed_lovers lunacy_receptacle: a_single_second. 140918
e_o_i Mindless_optimism: I_love_it_every_second! Go_to_bed. 140921
meta meta 140922
e_o_i Basking_in_being_with_you, cloudy_day vagueries 141020
e_o_i A_sunshow_every_second: flushed polyvinylflorida. 141028
e_o_i The_drugs_dont_work: genious_lyrics, bodybuilders? 141110
e_o_i again Polluter_of_blue_lakes, bonjour! You_can't_do_that_on_television.

(Haven't you heard of the Seven Blue Lakes You Can't Pollute on Television? For shame!)
e_o_i He_listened, wisdom screeched. 141119
e_o_i Unkind, crushable Illinois_nazis. 141129
e_o_i (another too amusing for silly me to pass up on:) Dog semiotics: I_sniff_balls. 141129
e_o_i Getting_high_with_dinosuars - do_I? No_longer_available. 141211
e_o_i A_murder_of_crows, a_fairer_house_than_prose. Smash_glasses_punch_walls! 150106
e_o_i Perchance_to_dream the_last_unicorn on_paper 150116
e_o_i And a report from the Financial Times:

Federal_Deficit_Surges_to_Record_USD413_Billion, Merchants_Suck, And_Maybe_Its_Okay
e_o_i Plus there's the

Licking Displacement Switchblade_Symphony
e_o_i You_are_stylish, green_darkness Japan. 150225
epitome of incomprehensibility I come after a long time and find, neatly lined up:

Checkmate_for_expectations - burn_in_hell, you_all_suck!
e_o_i band_dudes secondhandland peeing

(I hope they're not pissing on the antique furniture. That stuff might be worth a lot of money someday.)
e_o_i like diamonds in the sky asleep_in_the_sky today_the_sky_was_crazy_beautiful flavor_of_the_week

(Not really grammatical, but more representative of blather than the "you all suck" sentence! You are beautiful... like diamonds in the sky.)
e_o_i Become_unpussified, sunset_unseen Nietchze_fling.

(Hey, it's spelled Nietzsche.)

(I got Penderecki's first name right today, too. The balance of the universe demands that I make some other mistake to correct this anomaly.)
e_o_i Slavic ambiance fakersbuild

(but paste!'s Fakersbuild seems to have more of a Dust Bowl/pyramids ambience)
e_o_i ...And I can't spell "ambiance" consistently, it seems. OH WELL. 201017
e_o_i jewish_christian_islamic copyright_2000 technomancer

Back in innocent 2000, the three best-known monotheistic religions banded together to develop a magic computer. The project's leaders spoke of unity and peace.

Unbeknownst to them, the shadowy Presbyterian Council is convening in the vaults of an abandoned mine to perform the ritual to choose the Grand Telemarketer of the Masonic Order of Tech Support...

(Look, I think Dan Brown wrote a book like this, okay?)
e_o_i _starspangled_banner_ on_repeat relaxing

...Is it relaxing? soundtrack_for_my_life?
e_o_i shoeless high_on_music broken_back 210225
e_o_i quantumechanics_anonymous dont_touch_that_switch motivator 220203
what's it to you?
who go