Death of a Rose just in time to join my heart 040323
the world turning circles there's a black-winged gull with one

Syrope i didn't like drowning. i sat myself down, gave myself a stern talkin'-to

i had been barely holding my sanity just above the level of the pit of sewage i'd been wallowing i toss it out to wait on the ledge...

i started climbing out was tough, but i made it! it was so glorious!!

and then i reached for the clean towel to wipe my face...and you just kinda skipped up and punted my sanity back into the abyss.

maybe in another time, another place, i woulda freaked out, leapt in after it, broken down in tears, or tried to kill you. but nah. i guess i almost expected it. i peered over the edge nonchalantly, shrugged, and made myself a sandwich.

this not_caring feeling is worse than i ever thought it would be.

so yea, thanks a lot final_straw fucker.
minnesota_chris any man that fucks straws is definitely not worth your time. mmm, hmm? 040323
Syrope :-D i'll have to add that to my list of standards

i do have a list...somewhere
minnesota_chris especially when you have ONLY one straw, your last final straw in your whole house, and he just ... does it in your straw. I mean, eww! 040324
Syrope would you prefer he did it in all the straw? 040324
sab and i''l huff
and i''l puff

and i will blow your house down
and then slither away into the night
somebody step_on_a_line 040324
ethereal you dropped me over your knee
and now you've broken my back

im lying on the ground
unable to move

and you're walking away
what's it to you?
who go