pushpins the essence of you
was found beneath my fingernails
clinging to memory
or bits of skin...
whatever it was,
my claws in a frenzy
tried to free me
clean me
but the dirt still remains.
You are written all over me
in scratches that won't bleed
but manage to scab
in suspicious lines.
you have drawn yourself
all over my body
and my tears just won't wash you away.
endless desire the rotting smell remains under her nails.

it seems that even when her stomach has not poured through her lost body, she still smells the decay when she grows sad. it is always blue screen, dark hallways, and lonely nights that bring out the worst in her emotions. cheer up, kiddo. things will be better, won't they? she asks, smiling through the curtain that hangs over her forehead to conceal aching eyes. you have never seen eyes so desperate until you have heard them scream. make a mark. why does my throat burn when i have done nothing at all?
oldephebe is this like a nubile gender thing?
'cause i dont't want to intrude
but guys i gotta say
excruciating aching brilliance
i gotta go this sudden spate of emotion that your posts just initiated is beginning to fill the brims of my eyes with this saline discharge
endless desire, pushpins - personas profundis
tongue not in cheek
oldephebe by saying nubile gender thing i intended no inference of derision or chauvanist characterization or anyting i just didn't want to tread on the sometimes iviolable ground of someone elses pain it doesn't have to be neccessarily gender specific but us guys could stand to learn some sensitiviy about the complexly nuanced canvas of a womans potential emotional state - where the hell did all that come from? 030707
oldephebe iviolable should be inviolable 030707
what's it to you?
who go