unhinged eeeeeeeek

i'm home all alone

Lemon_Soda We had those last coupla days.

lives in central illinois.
unhinged i went down in the basement with my violin, my laptop, and all the checks i just got recently from work. the way this spring has been, i wasn't counting on the fact that i live in a city to divert any tornados.

my mom came very very close to getting caught in a tornado when she was a kid. so when i was a kid, any time a warning came on the tv, we'd all huddle down in the basement til it was over, including the cat. my childhood cat hated thunderstorms so it suprisingly wasn't that difficult to get her down in the basement. but to this day when i hear sirens, it freaks me out. my heart is still a little fluttery.
unhinged the best part in retrospect:

i was in a towel when the second one went off and scrambled to get dressed and get all my shit downstairs. i hear there actually was a tornado out by anthony 's house. what's with all the tornados lately?
unhinged more sirens and i have a gig tonight. shit shit shit 080607
unhinged yes ladies and gentlemen, there was a tornado in milwaukee. i'm cool. 080607
unhinged i am beginning to hate the sound of thunder 080608
dafremen i love tornadoes..and rain and hail..

cower at the lottery odds of being sucked into the maelstrom..buwahaha!

Sirens are going off...had to chase my hat a block and a half..
epitome of incomprehensibility Quebec isn't a tornado-y sort of place, but there WAS a warning a few years ago. I couldn't go swimming in the pool and I was disappointed. Then there was no tornado and I was disappointed. 080608
Lemon_Soda California gets wild fires and earthquakes...Illinois gets Icestorms and tornados...

how elementally...opposing?
unhinged i think i'm ready to trade the tornados and icestorms for anything else 080609
unhinged my blood pressure spikes at the thought

does not miss severe weather
flowerock I always imagined that they were giant mosquitoes causing tornadoes with their giant wings. 150318
what's it to you?
who go