I went into apply there today, and walked out without doing so. I walked in from outside, the air was cool, the monitor had my face on it, the merchandise: Emerald City from Wizard of Oz. The first thing that struck me, while waiting at the customer service desk, other than the customer service representitive, was the bad picture of a malformed circle of red shopping carts held by employees representing the target symbol, the red counter, the other red counters, the red everything, and just the red blank sign, and red cieling fictures, and the red uniforms. In that order. Really after about 30 seconds of looking around I ran out of things to look around at, I actually placed a hand to my temple to quelch the sensation of paranoia. Until I amused myself once again by looking at my hands, which were looking upset. "I could handle this" I said to myself. And stared at a monitor showing a picture of itself. We don't have applications, they have a computer thing. Two very short vietnamese teenage girls are filling out their application, or so I assume, in one mini-cubicle, I enter mini-cubicle #2, the one with the red chair. I hear behind me her again explaining that they have applications on the computer over there, pointing at me. Without sitting down I read the screen, so I understand what all the buttons do... hit esc to leave the application session, hit tab to scroll through fields, strike enter to go to next screen, duh, duh, .... I hit enter..................... click, whiiirrrr the next screen has the question: Do you speak english or spanish or whatever? wEr qwe oP[ sdf sdf aSd l;' xCv I hit 'E' for english Would you like to fill out and application? tYu ghj ghj bNm 'Y' click................. I didn't bother reading the next screen, this was worse than the Hollywood Video online application. Obviously I am not Super Target material.
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Besides there is a Samurai Sam's next door.
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I extend endlessly in all directions to make sure that all of your shots hit me.
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but YOU don't have a bullseye
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i did go through target's computer application system once though
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"here, to make sure this process is as efficient and impersonal as possible please use this computerized . . . " yeah, thanks . . . ...
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target greatland super target
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Almost all of my Christmas presents came from Target. I can't think of anything in Target that I want, so I'm returning them all. My brother, on the other hand, got me a videogame (Lemonade_Tycoon) which is crap. I think it runs on Windows 3.1. What I really want is a handgun.
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Death of a Rose
yeah. but wrapping the bullets is a pain.
what's it to you?