Nothing pisses me off more than people who don't have jobs and just sit on their asses all day bringing in money from the government. Go out and get a job! It may not be one that you like, but that's life. I work for my dad right now and I hate it, but I do it because it gives me money. Get a job and quit wasting my tax money. Disclaimer: This rant does not include handicapped people or other people who have legitimate reasons for not working.
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Senator Spork from the state of Intoxication
Easy, considering type it takes to run government and how they run it, if there wasn't somebody sucking it dry they'd do it themselves. those with a will to power generally have no compunction about excercising it as they see fit. How dare the poor suck up that money that we could be throwing back into the pockets of the fattest campaign contributors and lobbyists because a system so willing to take away had damned well better be willing to give back sometimes, too.
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My point is that if we didn't have so many people demanding money from the government, we wouldn't have the tax rate we have. I kinda like having more money a month to spend where I think it should go, i.e. charities, local homeless shelters, and food pantries. Why let the government delve out our money to places and people that don't really need money, when I could take that money and give it to a charity that I know will help the people that need it?
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As for tax revenues and how and why they are spent the way they are, well it's one of those genies that i don't think can really be put back in the bottle, unfortunately. And while it would be nice if we were all free to give of our time and money as we saw fit, cynicism being what it is, i don't think many would. sad to say.
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the spork
my point, was that even if there was no one "demanding" the money, too many of our elected officials would gladly throw that money at other people or entities in quid_pro_quo fashion to cement their hold on their positions and maintain whatever power or influence they have or find ways to spend it in cheap (figuratively cheap, at least) self-aggrandizing efforts to pander to their immediate constituents.
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um, right.... could you rephrase that? in simple terms? thanks!
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the spork
familiar with the concept or terminology "pork barrel spending?" projects or programs designed with little or no benefit to the public or national interest as a whole but usually designed to boost a politicians popularity within their home district/state.
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never heard it called that, but I know what you're talking about
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hmmmm. i'm changin' my name to "the government", is all i can say.
what's it to you?