Q Now that the source code for blather has been made available - see the blather homepage - maybe soon there'll be green, violet, light yellow ivory, conjunction rosie, heated discord gray, consummation blue, polka dot red...

Maybe a thousand flowers will bloom, blather will be required in every classroom from sea to shining sea, and nobody will be able to graduate from high school without having mastered it.
[.:..The SeeR ..:.] Well... that will depend on whether or not google's bots will crawl the newest generations... does the source code include meta tags with search engine placement codes?

If I hosted a periwinkle_goldenrod_spiral_blather ... who would go there? Or is newdream going to host it?

And... what is with the .gz extension?

Is that a Linux thing? can windows users decompress it?
kss gz is gnu zip - yes, it is generally a unix/linux thing. tar also unix based, it was orginally used as part of preparing data for tape archiving, it's just another data comression tool. The common windoze based compression tools can figure out what to do with gz and tar files.

I don't think anyone will be hosting an "blather" but newdream. it's copywrite protected. you can host something like it, but I doubt you can call it blather.

it should be fun to take a cruise through the code, and answer all those questions I have about how this thing works. Perl gives me a fat headache, though, so it will have to wait until I'm in a really good mood.
p2 yay! 021111
DannyH I know almost nothing about programming, my last attempt having been a game written on a ZX Spectrum in about 1986. What do I need to learn to get my own private blather running? I've got as far as downloading the source code but from there its all geek to me. 021111
just a typo? "NOTE: this source code provided as [it] without warranty, etc., under the GPL."

how does this differ from as [is]
littel_elf Yeah, you have to wonder about that.

Personally I haven't been able to get winzip to open it. annoying it is.

ah well, not as if I could use it in some way. I'm rather ignorant when it comes to code. tried to learn, but no real success.
cube Somebody should add a spell checker and a more flexible search engine.

For more info on Perl:

cube Perhaps our blather hosts are publishing the source code with the intent of divesting themselves of the responsibility - and the expense.
User24 see blather_suggestions

and also remember that perl is evil and must die. blather should be re-coded in PHP.
User24 blathersuggestions 030326
User24 source_code is the language of thought.
cube Source code is the language of logic...
User24 well that's true enough. 030327
Stephanie hembroff blather_suggestions 040724
u24 has anyone ever got the blather code running? 050707
anne-girl sure
i had my own little dark blather paradise for a while... i was thinking it'd make an interesting pseudo-blog, if modified slightly... (self-posting only, some kind of auth, maybe monthly indices)

yay for gpl!
anne-girl hmm
one day... one day...
what's it to you?
who go