blue sky with clouds every month like the moon, when the wine of her life spills, she becomes a widow to herself.

an offering of blood in exchange for the freedom to choose.
unhinged and like a good widow
she keeps a meticulous house
scrubbing the dishes
wiping the counters
clutching the dishrags
and even though she's always been alone
and it was just her dreams that died
she still runs to the bathroom
to be alone when she cries
and when she can muster the courage
to leave the house
she paints her smile on
walking in straight lines
sinking deeper just
dying for someone to catch her
she is a widow to herself
but she keeps a meticulous house
.fallen "...she keeps a meticulous house"

the sentiment echoes much like the echo of unkeepable
unhinged . 090529
flowerock These words are perfect for what they describe.

My body mourns that it is alone inside, cries red tears. My heart weeps but smiles, she knows it's just part of the cycle. My body swells and aches, confused. Pulled in too many directions to settle on a feeling or thought until I'm empty and free again to choose whether to open or close the curtains.
fw By these words I meant the words of others before me here, not my words... 150421
unhinged battered_woman_syndrome 150421
unhinged ive been doing my roommates dishes a lot lately. my hands itch to be busy and my echoing_thought leads me to darkness.

scalding hot water
water logged scraps of food
eco friendly soaps
run the garbage disposal
vacuum the floor
dust the counters

cleanliness next to

next to
daf Peace is always outside the window but behind the mirror. You are looking at yourself when you look outside yourself. It's all a big disco ball, do0d..meant to fool us from seeing that it's still just a mirror.

Fake it..'til you make it. But not in the fake way. In the "I know this will lead to the EXIT door" sort of way. And that wasn't a mansplain, it was the usual dafsplain.

Luv you'll always be a sister to me. The email still stands if you'd like to come hang and perform.

Ted's been clamoring for violin/fiddle acts.

Hope that helps. Ignore it if it doesn't.
unhinged or i can just go back to the celibate hermit life i had before him and get some new_ink 190513
what's it to you?
who go