syd break_off_a_quirk 020818
pat sajaks ghost ice cream tastes good in the afternoon
ice cream tastes good if you eat it soon
syd please leave us here 020916
spider from mars bless you, my sunburster 020916
syd i really love you
and i mean you
nah....! well oh baby, my hair's on end about you 020916
syd i'm only a person 020916
nah....! with eskimo chain 020916
syd i tattooed my brain all the way 020916
squint cus hey it fels good, its just the masochism in me. but lie and lie and lie, you know like it... 020916
bethany that means you care enough to fuck with me
what if that's as good as it gets
i'd take it
it has been argued at times that wot i said was "please just WALK with me".
but if i had, my intonation was such that it sounds just like 'fuck'.
syd in candy_and_a_currant_bun, that is.
not in let's roll_another one (the original version), where i clearly said the word 'walk' normally.
syd let's roll_another_one 020921
syd please__you_know_i'm_feeling_frail


freakizh won't you miss me?
wouldn't you miss me at all?
misstree just as long as i'm here
and just as long as you're there
and just to remind me
that there's anything at all
reue for old times sake? i find amusement in this still. :) 050120
jane he said as he pulled out his dick 050120
acidshank well. i wouldnt ask if i had known you were leaving .that you didnt remember and wouldnt ever. 050129
marjorie oh for fucks sake 050130
unhinged because now i think you realize
you don't know me
and like many
my roughness only a built-in wall
guarding what you don't know
and i can't pretend it doesn't bother me anymore
when i saw a flash of recognition
in your eyes
that maybe i was more human
than you wanted me to be
please baby
just fuck with me
that my existence only means something to you
when you've got no other option
at the end of the night
when i'm the only thing left
and i can't pretend
that satisfies me anymore
i would much rather do it myself
because i don't want to feed
the part of myself in desparate need
of confirmation
the part that tells myself
i better take what i can get from you
because there's no one else lined up
because of course there wouldn't be
anyone else lined up for a piece of me
my gloriously masochistic inferiority
i'm done with that
so please baby
just fuck with me
peyton i met someone
two weeks ago
that sums up
exactly what is written above
m y k e please, you know i'm feeling frail 101215
. . 230213
what's it to you?
who go