syd please_just_fuck_with_me 021009
syd please__you_know_i'm_feeling_frail 021009
syd oooooh_don't_talk_to_me* 021009
Lick Hum a pointless tune while waiting. 040214
unhinged i walked in that night with an unopened bottle of southern comfort and no glass because i ran out of smoke. i should have known better. it was quite a hangout in those days. there was destined for someone to be there that did have some. i wasn't prone to mixing in those days either. i sat down on the floor and cracked the seal as she laughed. she never got it. she was the reason that i carried it around with me. she was the reason i had insufficient substitutes when i ran out. because i knew she would be there because it was quite the hangout in those days. and as much as the sight of her gave me horrible violent reactions, the violence was better left between me and her. so i cracked the seal, tore the cap off and drank it straight. and not soon after he walked in with some hydro. i never saw the big deal about hydro until that night. 'do you wanna smoke?' ha. and one bowl later, i could barely stand. and one half hour later, the lack of breathable air was making my stomach turn over. i got up and she didn't ask me where i was going because she assumed i was going to the bathroom and i left the building. and slid down the bricks, my clothes getting stuck on the way down, my back getting scraped, because standing took too much effort. and words kept swirling through my head as the alcohol swirled in my somewhat empty stomach ready to puke. and i sat and stared at the yellow line that drew the parking space. if i lifted my head at all, my stomach threatened me again. and he poked his head outside. 'there you are. are you alright?' i nodded. he started talking his hilarious acid burnout babble and my stomach turned again. 'i can't really talk right now dude.' 'ok. just checking on ya.' 'thanks.' and he walked away. i pulled my shirt over my bare back. words swirling through my head, my eyes focused on yellow. only room in my brain for one thing at a time. please don't talk to me right now. 040315
Death of a Rose valid sentiment. 040316
u24 "only room in my brain for one thing"

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