? they rock hard.

or, they're just kinda interested in it, maybe.
x dude. those are two of my main interests. 040327
? aha! gotcha.


oldephebe plants and stars..and oh my dark winsome lass who took a potatoe peeler to my skin and turned my hairless chest into some kind of bruegal panorama..and that delicate carraige..the pale skin..almost sepulcral ashen beauty..the barely beating breast that holds the exalted black widow of a heart (your heart)that has canines and bicuspids and rancid smelling gingavitis from's really not that far from here to the depravities you've practised upon me and eventually..yeah eventually taught me to's the only earnest thing that i can cultivate now in my own heart...sprawled like a mute paralytic, writhing silently on a burning pavement..god..when you touched me..that first night..and the BOOK opened..great yawning canyon of screaming tides..that first night when you touched me..with such a total absence of feeling..I mean yeah it hurt like hell..but there was no malice behind it..just this almost regal..awe inspiring kind of indifferance..plants and stars and O how far we've far you've taught me to break the skin and draw me in and wind me up so tight..

O my mouth is a red swollen blossom...
x yeah kids i like kids
yeah sex i like sex
no, not together
that was... pretty superfluous.. 040327
x so is your mom 040328
sab sitting in the backyard
listening to the crickets
serenading the night

gazing up at the stars
setting my horizons higher
than theyre ever been before.
sab that was.. Beautiful 040328
notme culpepper 040328
jane there's something about the richness of tall grass & the suffocation of the night that complement each other, so that when you're laying in the tall leaves & in between the streaks of green you see a salted darkness, a million diamonds, a million more if you ditched your streetlamps, and suddenly your cheek tickles and you brush a bug off your face, & then you realize you're laying on an anthill & you start screaming for your sister to get the goddamn garden hose & quick! and then you remember it's night & you're freezing & covered in ants & someone wraps you in a towel & brushes your hair till it's dry & kisses your forehead & tucks you in, where you can see the stars from your bed, the salted darkness, with nothing more to worry about except what happens when you close your eyes. 071227
what's it to you?
who go