notme i tell myself i will not
i will not nothing no more me
crash my curragh into an oak
paint my journey on black silk kites
hungry raven wings
to fly away while i
watch from a nest of twigs
in my spire of green everything leaves
no longer nothing me
whitechocolatewalrus the large aspiring oak
breathes inandout
its daily dose
of deathandlife
is tall
i believe nothingme
can stare up
and bypass this entity
and a tree.
jane i told you...i'm going to crawl under this rock & disappear. which would be redundant 040104
blah-ze nothing me.

nothing to me, nothing for me. nothing like me. nothing speaks to me. nothing breathes, near me. i am alone.

nothing, alone, and me.
uow please 040802
witchesrequiem So much crap...
So many to feel...
and I am nothing...

Friends to console after a death..
Freinds to rejoice with after a birth....
Some upset over pregnancy...
some over being barren...
A few hate waking up...
A few try to shut their eyes forever..
And the sad have no choice but tumors, Aids and the terrible memories they try to cut away with flesh...
And I feel like nothing b/c a few good words and a couple of optimistic drinks does not stop them from their inevitable fate, THEY refuse to change...
Drugs become something and they become nothing..

So we wear black every day b/c it reflects the something that is blocked and the nothing lived everyday untill we can say it becomes "ME".
monee no_more_no_more 041229
.nom everything ever nothing never 050202
.nom everything never nothing ever 050202
oldephebe geez, what took me so long to get to this page?

right up my alley

nihilism and self-negation and paradoxically or perhaps naturally as an out growth of our "americaness", and those of us crumbling under the withering autocracy of an inept educational system, inept and yet over bearing parents, inept management, inept and institutional recalcitrance of the buerocracy servicing the great leviathon constituent of the's the horror of all the historicity - it's gotta sting to make the soul sing....well maybe not sing but....narciccism is not neccessarily ALL bad as long as it doesn't lead to neglect

the self as central to all things, even the self that is marginalized and relegated and swathed in self-loathing
How 'bout the endless merciless autocracy of a sadistic control'freak landlord and the psychotic antics of his in-laws/"tenants"/business partners? 050206
what's it to you?
who go