stork daddy
because whether it was just her default reflex or not, she questioned his lines and his bravado. he always seemed more attracted to people who doubted him than people who sought from him wisdom. he could fake it for them, but it became tiresome. he liked people who doubted with them, because he tended to agree with them on that issue, that he should be doubted.
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stork daddy
if she couldn't tell the difference between what he knew and didn't, what could she teach him?
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pobodys nerfect
you seem to be writing up a storm tonight,sd. :) Just wanted to say I read it and thought it was interesting.
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stork daddy
and that was his game. he always held out the possibility in a smirk or knowing how to just say enough true things, that he knew more than he let on, that he held some secret ace that should keep everyone in check. the secret was to call his bluff. they would own the real him. the real him though was fragile, and plain. the unchecked him, spit out so much more, was confident and so perhaps shared more outrageous lies, but also because he wasn't afraid to try or fail, more beautiful truths.
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your guardian angel
you might wonder why i follow you around. with such a busy schedule, being a guardian angel, it would seem that i would have time for such a difficult project. i have taken upon myself a challenge, to convince you not to give up. be confident and the ladies would swoon at your feet. be truthful about what is on the ground. angels know when you are lying...
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angels cant type
Correction: with such a busy schedule, being a guardian angel, it would seem that i would have NOT time for such a difficult project.
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smurfus rex
he liked her...so much that it killed him in the end.
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The Unnameable
- for all the good it did. liked the one before her and the one before her and the one before her and so on, and in spite of everyone's chidings from friends and family that it was because he liked "the wrong type" he knew that there was no commonality between them except that they had all exhibited the ability to bolt, to cut and run with a degree of aplomb and determination reserved for olympic sprinters and scared rabbits and it was never simply the spiel about just being friends that tore at him. that, though it stung, was always just the minor fleshwound of it. it was the moment when one of them opted to better-deal him off for something a little more upmarket that stung the only comfort he took was in knowing that at least, apparently, he had a high trade-in value
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The Unnamed
and by "one" it means "each in their turn"
what's it to you?