Dafremen Movin town to town's no way to raise a child
Stayin where there ain't no jobs ain't no good too
Did the best we could with what we didn't have
Tried to pass the time by loving you

Then one day you up and turned away
Grew away then walked away from me
Left me tired and broken all alone
Took the best I had and gave your worst to me

When you were just a baby..Lord
Meet the hand that rocked your cradle
Just about everything I could
I gave to fill your need

Times they done changed..Lord
Aged the hand that rocked your cradle
Long lonely times here waiting
Since you turned your back on me.

Days these days can be so hard hard hard
Nuff to make a soul wanna up and die
Blessed with you's enough to warm my heart
Enough to make a soul wish you'd come by

When you were just a baby..Lord
Meet the hand that rocked your cradle
Almost everything I could
I gave to fill your need

Times they done changed..Lord
Aged the hand that rocked your cradle
Long lonely times here waiting
Since you turned your back on me.
Suicide Snowman the hand that rocked my cradle
was the one that first slapped my face.
"grow up and be like your brothers,
Stop being the family's disgrace"

Well, what's a 7 year supposed to do
when you've got nowhere else to turn?
grow up and be my brothers?
was that what I'm supposed to learn?

I scream at her "go fuck yourself!
That's not what I wanna do!
The worst thing that could happen to me
is to end up alone, like you!"
daxle I was nice and quiet
I didn't need to be rocked
my mom says i was perfectly happy being left to my own devices
so i made a few mistakes along the way... i worked them out for myself.

what might be more interesting is the head_that_rocked_by_the_cradle (cradle_of_love?)
head banging babysitters and their impact on children
Dafremen She's a lonely old black woman...must be 70 years old in my mind's eye. Loved her children to death, but she lives so far out in the country that they never take the time to visit. The Stand, like that lady from The Stand that lived in Hemingford Way. She's like that. She's so sad that her situation brings a tear to my eye whenever I sing this song. 021202
what's it to you?
who go