silentbob Dear france

i have nothing against you even though my country apparently does. I will continue to call our food, "French Toast" "french fries" etc etc.

i don't think our food has anything to do with france, but the cafeteria military is changing their names anyway....

My response is Duh.
minnesota_chris I don't think they appreciated being associated with fried potatoes and eggy bread in the first place! 030311
Le Sporq We're probably doing them the biggest favor in the world by taking their names off that stuff

What i want to know now, is this: do all the war-crazed flag-waving jackasses walking around with a hard-on for France want to go ahead and send back the Statue of Liberty (gift from France) or maybe to rename Lafayette Square in DC so that we don't have to remind ourselves that if it hadn't been for the help of a gay French general we'd probably still be British and dental care as we know it might never have evolved to the levels it has
perhaps... le sporque.....? 030311
silentbob dental care may be advanced and all that

but its also fucking impossible to get your teeth fixed if you don't have insurance or money

i wish things in this country weren't so expensive
unhinged i don't support a war with iraq for whatever reason real or fake but my grandma who grew up during world war two brings up a very interesting point: 150,000 american soldiers died at normandy during WWII to liberate france from the third reich. i don't want to be able to tell stories like that to my grandchildren about a war with iraq, but it made me think twice about what i thought about france's position on impending war. 030312
"freedom" tickler (heh-heh) I don't know, i think for once in the history of the West, France might actually have the right idea in playing Germany's bitch. 030312
sweetheart of the song tra bong It is now time for everyone to start "freedom kissing"

Do it for your country!!!
splinken freedom tickler.

Freedom Tickling Sporq(ue?) Dubya's just mad because Chirac won't dance with him or drink his kool-aid.

Besides, i'm coming to the conclusion that we have more Nazis here at home than they have in Europe anymore

(Great irony of the universe - we sheltered Nazi war-criminals to help us build the first weapons_of_mass_destruction from the ideas and theoretical physics of a man they would have just as soon exterminated, a Jewish pacifist named Albert)
what's it to you?
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