2 what is your favorite fruit? 020913
2 p.s. i thought you ought to have your own ask column instead of sharing it with that other 'freak' person.

you are cool. you deserve your own.
flattered freakizh eek. i didn't saw this coming.

dear fan, are you called paul moody?

i don't eat fruits. not at all.
that's why i'm so hyper at sugar.

but if i had to choose one.. i would take "lemons". although i like sexual_peaches too.
2 where do you come from? 020913
paul moody heh? 020913
freakizh that wasn't a freak question.
a freak (and freaky) question ok then......

what kind of sauce do you put on your rugs?
p.s. that was not meant to be sexual, so do not think it was. 020913
freakizh tabasco sauce. but only on fridays the 13th and holidays. 020913
Freak "blah blah you dont have to share it with that other 'freak' person." Of course you deserve your own ask page but geez

I feel like such an outcast:(
freakizh i like you freak.
maybe you should rename yourself to freakfreakizh so we can share this page too.


are you a girlfreak or a freak man?
girlFreak not a freak man 020914
freakizh freaky freaky girl
do you like freaky girls too?
Freak of course 020917
loving freakizh let's date babe.
anyways how old are you? 020917
freakizh i turned 18 this summer.
i don't know if that's good or bad.

how about you, anyways?
aw, oh, sorry, i forgot this space was created only for me. hehehe.
minnesota_chris :) what a nice post.

Oh, um, ask a question. . . ummm. . .what are your creative outlets?
freakizh oh, thanks.

like what?
minnesota_chris Do you do, like, art?

Or do you work art into your daily routine, like eating your cornflakes like no one else eats cornflakes?
phil what do you have to do to get out of bed? 020930
freakizh minnesora chris, yes i dig art.
i usually draw or do clay figures. i love surrealism and dada. :)

and phil.. i need my alarm clock. or a big need to pee.

geez, i'm feeling normal. that scares me.
Freak Do you want to get a room after we go to prom together? ;D 021011
freakizh how 'bout two?

(just in case the bed fucks up)

Dafremen Did you know that I was a Cancer Moon sign? If Yes, I do now too. If not, me either, I just found out. Explains a lot.

Next question:
Have you read my list of "Dafremen's ego is so big" disses on the daf_index page? Feel free to add your own!

P.S. Really dig the page..does it come in red?
freakizh i will work on the red version.

to both questions: no.
q1) silly. my ascendant(?) is libra, which totally eeps me, not only moody and sensitive but fucking balanced and fair? geez.
q2) i will. tomorrow.

a kiss.
Jeca wow everyone loves you freakizh! 021012
freekissh freakizh (that's not a question!)

do you?

what's it to you?
who go