fyn gula
remember in the wizard of oz when dorothy's twister rocked house ("it's a twista!") came to a sudden halt and she said, "oh." and when she opened the door, the greyscale world as she knew it was left behind for a new land of technicolour and wonder? of course you do. it may even be your favourite part. well, in the height of copello's collision with the mesmerizing effects of shutter, where he swore he was trapped inside van gogh's "allee de alyscamps in arles" a canvas on fire, this is kind of what it was like when the old woman returned. she came out of the gingerbread house, a dorothy of sorts, but it was the other way around. or should we say, um, inside out? because if dorothy was the one who opened the door, it was copello who was greeting the new world. all things bright and beautiful. all creatures great and small. though she didn't look exactly like dorothy, (sixty-five years old, no front teeth, white hair) she was wearing a pink and white gingham dress with a white taffeta shirt underneath. she was all fresh, a clean, soapy smell preceding her, announcing her arrival. ruby red slippers? no. they were kenneth cole slip ons, but copello could swear she was clicking them together three times saying, "there's nothing like sweet shutter..." or was that him saying it? you may be wondering if there was a dog like toto. actually, there was a siamese cat, rubbing its hard head against her legs as she stood there smirking at copello. the cat's frantic, drowning warble of a meow sounded like a broken bag pipe. this tragic vociferation must have been a mating call because seconds later, a blue point female in heat was at his side. it was obvious he wanted to fuck her but he was too short and could barely fit on top of her kitty style. she even bent way down to accomodate him. the raucous, frustrated moanings continued, incessant with its arrogant insistence, and copello, in his state of inebriation, basically laughed his ass off, eventually fell down the steps, knocked over the gardenias, broke the pots, and ended up with mucky soil all over himself.
what's it to you?