karl the weed oh, yeah, fucked-up blather!! 030704
User24 ouch! 030705
karl hi 030706
karl motherfucker!! 030706
test 030707
test 030707
test 030707
test 030707
test 030707
test 030707
test kjk 030707
test kjk 030707
test kjk 030707
test kjk 030707
test kjk 030707
test kjk 030707
User24 love the title! 030708
User24 love the title! 030708
User24 I love it so much I obviously had to say it twice... 030731
minnesota_chris when I saw the title I said "Aw yeah!" But I was disappointed that the entire text wasn't in unreadable wingdings. 030731
u24 your wish is my command, chris

(well, if I choose it to be so)

(I wonder if you'll bother decoding this?)
p2 you guys are too funny

ps- u24 i like your new name ;)
u24 thanks, p2, I got lazy, also, I'm kinda using u24 as my name when I'm just chatting about nothing in general, and using User24 when i_have_words (there's also that other alias that's been popping up recently . . . ;)

how're you doing these days?
p2 cool, the first step towards a repectable multiple personality disorder

i've been good. gonna postpone the wedding until it's more financially feasible

heheh, think schadenfreude will bother posting here? =D
baad news guys, now that you reminded me that this page EXISTS, i have to fuck with it. 031103
karl that was me btw 031103
another test 031103
baad news guys, now that you reminded me that this page EXISTS, i have to fuck with it. 031103
karl oops 031103
karl the weed what the fuck? i didnt turn it white! 031103
karl the weed ok that was weird, for a sec it was white bg. 031103
Habitual Perceiver #314 like it 031230
Habitual Perceiver #314 like it 031230
Death of a Rose arrrrggghhhh! 031230
somebody Ithink theletters shouldbehuge andwritten ontopofeachother 031230
u24 thatsa cleverway ofdefeating theevil wingdings 031231
u24 waaa! thebackground wasred aminute ag0. 031231
karl the weed i know it changes colors randomly and i dont know why, imne was light pink a few times

hey how'd you get pat the wingdings?
karl the weed ohduh. imstupid 031231
karl the weed iknowitchanges colorsrandomly andidontknowwhy, minewas offwhite afewtimes 031231
.oren. I.love.these.test.pages 060225
ivyducktwilightseto man this shit is fucked up 060226
ivyducktwilightseto manthisshitisfuckedup 060226
Pto they revile me, perhaps, but i care not. test on, karl-o-roo (et al)! these test pages vindicate me and i, in turn, vindicate them. plus these pages are often quite pretty, i.e. karl_the_weed_test_page_3. at first i felt bad when "not The Blatherskite" seemed so angry because of my having literally "blathered" but upon seeing all these test pages, and seeing the same arguments against them as were thrown against me, i feel uninclined to pander to the ridiculously precious. to the Precious, yes, i shall pander, but not to the Ridiculously Precious. at least, not today. tomorrow perhaps. 060616
karl the weed thank you!

you should check out fucked_up_blather_page, that ones gotten the best reaction
thy ♥ 110826
thy 110826
thy woohoo!

im glad i tested that!

wish the answer hadnt been so simple, not feeling my smartest at the moment because of it.

oh yeah...

nice test page!
what's it to you?
who go