sab new chunky chicken style coffee 070601
yes me two hrs and 15 min. to go.
damn i need coffee.
birdmad i don't

i drank enough vodka a couple of hours ago that i should be sound asleep, but i am, though slighlytly buzzed, wide awake

pete haven't for a while.. over a month i guess, i'm not really keeping track.. seems like i kicked that habit without much effort (again). 070602
ever dumbening i wish i drank coffee—i mean on a regular basis, because i do sometimes, but only rarely—because there are so many lovely women behind the counter that i would then have an excuse to talk to for at least a few moments. instead, i skate by blue bottle today, glancing quickly to my left to see her cute, short, dark hair floating above her white t-shirt. 070602
unhinged every morning

i stumble from my room to the kitchen and set up the coffeemaker. make it strong enough so it is opaque, sometimes oily on top, almost turkish like. a little cinnamon in the filter, chocolate soymilk, raw sugar. mmmmmmm

i've been drinking too much coffee
Ouroboros i've been trying to cut down- doing every other day, substituting with yerba_mate, but since my lows these days are low low low, the pick-me-up without too many consequences of coffee is appealing. especially when my housemates work at my favorite venice coffee spot 070602
klairchen this is so.

and some face to face contact saddened me for what it seems forever now;
at that deplorable little spot,
on the corner,
just outside the door...

it was the last kiss,
ever unresolved.

and so, given the opportunity,
i carried on tonight;
drawing some other random being past that lamentable spot,
and through the door.

with no kiss,
just coffee...
klairchen only tomorrow,
after the dreamless sleep...
what's it to you?
who go