dondeestanlosjaguares I'm sorry it's not working out the way you wanted. You must have pictured something else, with that imagination of yours, which is flawed and twisted in so many ways that it hurts to think of what it's done to me in the past. But you say you've set me free, well alright, then let me be. I don't want you to go away, but you seem to not care any way.

Just let me be a tree, that gives and gives everything for free. I don't ask for anything in return, except now I want to be left alone. Let my branches grow again, let the leaves flourish once more, but for now, let the autumn take my hand and lead me onto death for a season.
Because it's time for me to die, and let all my leaves fall away, winter will soon be upon us, and I need this time to rest myself. But I'll not die without a fight, and you'll see that my leaves will give off beauty when their green starts to fade away, and my branches will soon be naked, but they will still retain their dignity. I'll stay in a state of nudity, for the season to come, in order to protect my dreams and my reality. I'll give myself away, so that I may live another day. You'll see what mistakes you've made.

I've stripped the branches which grew for you, but have bared no fruit, only simple truth. We could never be an orchard, because you would only see me as a giving tree. We could never be much more, than what you saw in me. Take nothing now, I don't know what I could give, so please let me be, let me live. I'll die now, but don't be sad, spring always defeats winter in the end. There will be a time, when there will be, beautiful birds singing songs of hope amongst my leaves. . . you shall see.
not anyone i didn't want to lie. 041012
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