? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalai_Lama 080416
2008 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Tibetan_unrest

...Tibetan unrest began with demonstrations on March 10, 2008 (Tibetan Uprising Day), the 49th anniversary of the failed 1959 Tibetan uprising against Beijing's rule.
unhinged his msnbc interview with ann curry was great; he blew her mind. she also looked and sounded like she was on the verge of tears most of the time.


he's my boyfriend
he's my hero
ever dumbening i wish kevin would get the chance to innerviews him. 080416
f At least some of the news readers on the television have bits of glitter on their face, maybe thats a sign that things are getting better not worse?

If one can find a way of breaking through negativity everything seems a lot easier however it is the breakthrough that seems the most difficult of all. That is exactly how depression works, what is depression if it's not a reflection of the world and how you decide to see it? Maybe the depression could also be a perspective of what the truth might be and whether you want to accept it or not? Nothing is perfect but it is easy to see how things could be much much better without it being necessary to be over complicated.
f speaking of the complicated or the complex..

self-respect refers to everything, not just your "self"
... i suppose that can be complicated when you don't understand the word SiMPLE.
hsg happiness is my religion. 081112
unhinged the buddhist antidote to any affliction is the opposite. if you are depressed do some tonglen for yourself. that practice can really transform the way you think and feel about yourself. as little as five to ten minutes a day really helps.

i put my favorite instructions where else but:

f it always seems more powerful when you do it with lots of people tho, after that you can walk around with your eyes open and do it.

i always found it very difficult to keep the good energy going when lots of people seem not to understand.
what's it to you?
who go