tyler waters Sexual love is likely the hardest things to describe for anyone. We know we feel attracted to the opposite sex (But yet, not always). We may understand what traits we admire that sends us into a state of sexual longing, but why?
Much harder to describe
It is the drive of a species to maintain it's place on the world. This includes the need to reproduce. How do we reproduce? We fuck. What must both parties feel before fucking? Sexual love. (Unless of course rape conditions exist, in which case BOOOO go to the bar! not jail!!)
Interesting though, these days we seem to fuck out of need for pleasure, not a divine fear that if we don't, our species will be wiped out. Human survival seems to be a confirmed notion implanted in the brains of all. Humans will still be around when one dies (unless of course apocalyptic conditions exist). The world may be in a sad state of affairs, with humans being the most omnipresent plague. We revell in this. It's our world and in our minds, there's nothng to do with it but colonize it with our expansive sprawl and try to remain content for as long a time as possible, by whatever means necessairy (pleasure, material comforts, religion, escapism, entertainment, love, etc.etc.etc.)
Curious thought, if fucking induced pain instead of pleasure, would we feel the desire to keep reproducing?
unhinged what an oxymoron

sex and love have nothing to do with each other even in the context of the human brain filled with human emotions. we are more animal than we like to think. the horomones, the pheremones, just the same as the fucking monkeys.

he was the only one i didn't have contempt for as a direct result of sleeping with him. all the rest, i ended up hating to some degree.

tyler waters Oh i quite realize this, we're more animal than we think we are.. im just giving a word for it, however oxymoronic it may be. When you think about it, what is love but a cruel trick [through hormones and pheromones] that nature plays on us to reproduce ?

Can one love sex?
I think so..

Hate due to sex?
I am made very sad by the prospect of that. I would never hate anyone I slept with unless, of course, they gave me a distinct reason to. Even if they have given me such a reason, I'll always be wishing that they would come back into my arms and break down this wall of hate they've built up between us.

ah well.. sometimes im too ideological for my own good.
what's it to you?
who go