ClairE sometimes, as Norm so astutely reminded us. 011218
littel_elf yep, unfortunately this is so. for one thing, it's not good for you. all those calories without any nutritional value. why does it have to taste so yum? 030208
1 For centuries peanuts have provided sustenance for travelers, explorers, and individuals in underdeveloped regions where food is scarce. High concentrations of protein, unsaturated fat, minerals, vitamins, and nutrients make peanuts and peanut products and excellent source of nourishment.

Peanuts contain a wide variety of nutrients that have been shown in numerous studies to have probable health benefits. These include vitamin E, an important antioxidant, folate, which can help prevent birth defects, and numerous other nutrients that are essential to a healthy diet.
2 Peanuts are particularly high in arginine, an amino acid which has been shown to improve wound healing and immunity. In addition, peanuts exhibit a positive arginine:lysine ratio, which has been associated with lower levels of serum cholesterol and possible prevention of atherosclerosis. 030208
. ah whatever. why do i do this for ignorant people? i hate you all. 030208
mo if you're friends with peanut better than you're friends with me (if you're down with peanut butter than you're down with me) friends with peanutbutter....everybody sing! 030219
endless desire i don't like peanut butter.
the last blathe was written on my birthday.
god i like peanut butter.
the last blathe wasn't written on my birthday
djane peanut butter is NOT MY FRIEND! it is my ENEMY! I am deathly allergic to anything that has to do with peanuts or peanut butter.. i can't even smell it without getting sick, seriously. ironic how its such a powerful antioxidant... 041109
falling_alone well, it's useful when you've got gum in your hair. 041110
from now on join the almond butter alliance!
or the 'crazy for cashews' crew.
hang out with the macadamia immaculates
nomme) or the sunflower seed society 050709
nomme) or the tahini toasters 050709
pie I am allergic to peanuts so therefore I cannot eat Peanut-butter. This situation is very annoying because I love peanut-butter. 050710
falling_alone huh, was gonna reference the gum thing...apparently i already did. 050711
mt but vegimite is the true enemy. 050711
rubydee most cases of asphyxiation by food are caused by peanut butter, big honkin' spoonfuls of it. 050712
sugar i can only do so much
and in a tube
what the fuck is up with that
shit son
its not suppose to be that way.
pete its my lazy-man's food. today i had to resort to peanut butter on hamburger buns, because i really have nothing else... as i haven't been out grocery shopping in about two weeks... 050919
stork daddy peanut butter is my only friend. i betray it countless times, i spend days not giving it even the most stray of thoughts, and yet it remains, in the cupboard, ever waiting, ever compassionate. 050919
jackie "barometric pressure" mc cracken big_ear horf niy crotch_pontoon 060501
epitome of incomprehensibility The kind without salt and sugar is good. It actually tastes like peanuts. However, I'm not sure about its friendship potential: it's kind of clingy and it doesn't talk much. 141211
e_o_i I remember a kids' book called Peanut Butter is Forever. Combine this with "best friends forever" and maybe peanut butter is a friend. 200722
unhinged agreed

has never been much of a fan
what's it to you?
who go