girl_jane I was looking back at some of the things I've written in my journals. Some of the entries shocked me; some pages, it doesn't seem like those words would come from my pen in my handwriting, but I know they did. Here's one that bothered me that I'd written.


I'm one guy fuck-up away from swearing off boys until I'm 35. I am so sick of them. Them, with their brains taking over their pants and them not functioning in areas other than being inconsiderate assholes with one track minds. Them thinking of nothing but cunts and how many they can get wet. Or playing games-fucking with your head and your heart. Yeah, well, it's their fucking turn. And I'm going to make sure they get a nice fat chance to get fucked over. I'll do something that will pull their puny minds out of their pants and put it where it's meant to be...in my hands.

Blessed with brains, but cursed by my cunt. Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of my body and who I am. I'm cursed in the way that I have to prove and justify everything I do. Well, fuck that stupid idea of sex roles. It was a man who thought of them anyway, just so he could keep all of his mistresses away from his wife. I'm making myself a better person. I'm not putting on a show. I'm not going to hold anything back. So fuck you, fuck you, and fuck you too. That's for fucking me over, and now it's my turn to fuck with you. I'll make you choke on your lies. Shove your dick down your own throat for a change. Then you can wash all of your bull shit down with the blood from my cunt that reminds me I'm a woman.
impact i looked back at some of my first blathes that were on a dif., and they really scared me, i dont like who i used to be, i wouldnt want to be friends with that person, i try to avoid those words 020504
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