. if_the_stores_are_all_closed 040121
endless desire when she gets there she knows
that there's no hope for tomorrow
the moon and the stars and the sun
are crying because they wish
they could hold the hands of the little
boys and girls who are hurting.
purple colours are distinct
when green seperates from red and
comforts the afflicted. little boy
blue lived in a shoe and lived happily
ever after until after was over and
tomorrow set in. when she gets there
the tools distinguish imagination from
wisdom and beauty from the footprints
in the sand of a torn life, never the same.
whisper without ceasing,
keep secrets in plenty,
but never keep them for long
because they'll eat at your heart
and ruin your mind
until you are grey and decayed
with nothing to offer purple at all.
silentlybroken as ever, my dear, I adore your wonderful words. 040123
des oh thank_you
it's funny because i make one skite sick
but another one likes them.
i am amused.
kaibutsu I am amused
to watch
the winter rains give way to spring
and the empty streets to crowds
so thick that I'm suddenly sick
and wish everyone were hiding again
from the rain and the wind and the cold.

I am saddened
to hear
all the clang and clutter
that accumulates in cycles,
"must be an election year,"
until I'm terribly sleepy
and just want a home far away from this madness.

I am curious
to know
whether it will all make sense
in the end
or if life is just some mad
looping in on itself
and feeding back the noise
until no one can hear at all
and everyone gives up trying
and subsequently dies.

But I find it amusing
when I step back
and don't take things so damned

It's laughable,
my reactions.
dramatica I agree with that but it could be due to a strong tranquilizer capable of tempering the manic phase of bp disorder, but whatever works...

it can't be wrong when it feels so right
what's it to you?
who go