kx21 Definition: Open Hearings

More questions and No answers

Copyright 2004
... Congress to Open Hearings on Iraq Policy

2 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - During one of the worst months of the yearlong Iraq campaign, senators are finding themselves with more questions...
minnesota_chris closed minds 040420
kx21 Scientific citation of more questions & Zero Answers:-

* Under_fire *

April 20: Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz...

Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I.:-

It takes us weeks and weeks and weeks to get reports ... that you have and that you have reviewed,”

Who's_next or what'next?
... ***
* Political_Games around Iraq War

Rep. Curt Weldon (R-Pa.), vice chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, charged that the president is playing political_games by postponing further funding requests until after the election, to try to avoid reopening debate on the war's cost and future.
kx21 Eureka!!!

US President George Bush has asked for an extra $25bn for military costs in Iraq and Afghanistan, reversing a previous spending pledge.

The_M_reversal of Moment_of_Truth-

Bush's previous spending "Vow" of not to seek more money for Iraq before the 2 November presidential election.
???????????? An answer which generates more Questions!!!

What's next after "extra $25bn"?
kx21 Oops...

New Open hearings about the "time & Causality" of extrajudicial_abuses or extrajudicial_Killings - specifically
the M of Sadistic_Abuses in Iraq...
............ Rumsfeld and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Richard Myers will testify in an open hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Friday morning. 040505
i May 07, 2004

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld extended hisdeepest apologyFriday to Iraqi prisoners abused by U.S. military personnel, telling Congress that he accepted full responsibility for the shocking events. But he warned that worse was yet to come.
... 32 minutes ago

"It's going to get a good deal more terrible, I'm afraid," he said glumly in congressional testimony televised throughout the Arab world as well as in the United States.

He said the Iraqis who were mistreated will receive compensation.
????????????? ***
* The issue remains:

Did we somehow create a culture of lawlessness [at Abu Ghraib]?"
* CBS asked to delay report?

Sen. Mark Dayton, D-Minn. asked Donald Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers if CBS was contacted and asked to delay their news report on the abuse of Iraqi prisoners
** Why wasn't abuse exposed?

Donald Rumsfeld is asked by Sen. Susan Collins, D-Maine, why the Pentagon didn't come forward and expose the abuse.
* Is a) Reiew Panel needed, given b)?

a) Rumsfeld Names Panel to Probe Iraq Prison Abuse

27 minutes ago

A group of four prominent former government and military officials will conduct a review of the Pentagon's investigation into abuse of Iraqi prisoners by U.S. troops,

b) Bush Iraq Prisoner Abuse Is 'Wrongdoing of a Few'

6 minutes ago

"What took place in that Iraqi prison was the wrongdoing of a few, and does not reflect the character of the more than 200,000 military personnel who have served in Iraq since the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom,"

* Is a) Reiew Panel needed, given b)?
Syrope red_herring 040509
911 Reform Congress to Hold Hearings on 9/11 Reform

3 minutes ago

"We don't have the luxury of waiting for months."
1224 U.S. Opens Probe Into Mosul Base Attack

2004, 3 minutes ago
Yahoo! Search An investigation team led by Brig. Gen. Richard P. Formica started its work in Mosul as Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld paid a surprise Christmas Eve visit to the wounded soldiers at the base.

"Now we have a pretty good idea that it was a suicide bomber,"
5172005 the_mother_of_all_smoke_screens 050517
U.K. - May 17 2005 (5172005) 6:12 PM

British politician blasts U.S. senators at oil_for_food hearing
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