i'm feeling (efferusay) yes im wisting through the air w/ the sea breeze in my hair theraputics bankruptcies the interface flickered i saw some of the raw data i'm violently indecisive sitting here in the airport being pummeled by american commercialism, just back from spain, i can see how more than - (buer) why america is the "barney" of cultres. 23 skidoo? where are you? 44 no more - 88 pk, 88 cocit what's the first thing you are going to do when you get home? goat "stagnant" In California: ... approved the use of fluoride back in 1998, three years after the state Legislature passed a new law that mandated the fluoridation of the state's water systems in areas with more than 10,000 service connections. If a community doesn't have the funds to adopt fluoridation, they are exempt from the new law's mandate. But proponents of the supplement, the Fluoridation 2000 work group, ensured ...
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Dear Wind, Let there be Dandelion Straws, today; Let the pavement fissure at its seams, and there let Great Dandelion Straws appear, puffing pink, and purple, and sleepily in only threes and threes and threes; Let that little boy on his trike not fall - no, not at all - not fall, not scream, not anything before the falling time, impeccably upon the tallest, brightest Straws, into the smartest Dandelion Jaws, dear Wind; And let there be no more, I say, passing of the time today, not until tomorrow. Do you see that paper lying in the grass? What does it say? Let there be no more convergence of the green; Let there be Dandelion Straws, grinning through the pavement, humming through the feet; and let that paper fold itself into a tree, and the sun drip candied, hot and clean.
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old notes litter my drawer words folded and forgotten in a sea of mass narcissism. thoughts used and blamed and treated with care as i shove them hastily into my backpack. stained papers containing memories overlap and scream to me. truths are revealed, lies are created, mistakes are recorded forever. old notes hold me hostage catching me by surprise flirting with my gaze. my search for hairspray no longer important.
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i like that yummy..the best you've written.
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thanks :)
what's it to you?